Developer Guide

AWS IoT Rule Actions

AWS IoT rule actions are used to specify what to do when a rule is triggered. You can define actions to write data to a DynamoDB database or an Amazon Kinesis stream or to invoke a Lambda function, and more. The following actions are supported:

  • cloudwatchAlarm to change a CloudWatch alarm.

  • cloudwatchMetric to capture a CloudWatch metric.

  • dynamoDB to write data to a DynamoDB database.

  • dynamoDBv2 to write data to a DynamoDB database.

  • elasticsearch to write data to a Amazon Elasticsearch Service domain.

  • firehose to write data to an Amazon Kinesis Firehose stream.

  • kinesis to write data to a Amazon Kinesis stream.

  • lambda to invoke a Lambda function.

  • s3 to write data to a Amazon S3 bucket.

  • sns to write data as a push notification.

  • sqs to write data to an SQS queue.

  • republish to republish the message on another MQTT topic.


The AWS IoT rules engine does not currently retry delivery for messages that fail to be published to another service.

The following sections discuss each action in detail.