gpu (45 results) showing 1 - 10

Free Trial

Bitfusion Ubuntu 14 TensorFlow

Starting from $0.00 to $0.297/hr for software + AWS usage fees

Ubuntu 14 AMI pre-installed with Nvidia Drivers, Cuda 7.5 Toolkit, cuDNN 5.1, TensorFlow 0.11, TFLearn, TensorFlow Serving, TensorFlow TensorBoard, Keras, Magenta, scikit-learn,...

Linux/Unix, Ubuntu 14.04 - 64-bit Amazon Machine Image (AMI)

Free Trial

Bitfusion Mobile Deep Learning Service

Starting from $0.066 to $1.44/hr for software + AWS usage fees

Ubuntu 14 AMI pre-installed with Nvidia Drivers, Cuda 7.5 Toolkit, Caffe, GPU Rest Engine, Pre-trained Models, and a simple Rest API server. Use existing pre-trained models...

Linux/Unix, Ubuntu 14.04 - 64-bit Amazon Machine Image (AMI)

Free Trial

Bitfusion Ubuntu 14 Cuda 7 ImageMagick (GPU)

Starting from $0.065 to $0.26/hr for software + AWS usage fees

Ubuntu 14 AMI pre-installed with a multi-gpu accelerated version of ImageMagick, Nvidia Drivers, the Cuda 7 Toolkit and OpenCL support. Leverage Nvidia GRID instances to perform...

Linux/Unix, Ubuntu 14.04 - 64-bit Amazon Machine Image (AMI)

NVIDIA CUDA Toolkit 7.5 on Amazon Linux

NVIDIA(r) maintained Amazon Machine Image with CUDA(r) Toolkit 7.5 on Amazon Linux 2016.03 (64-bit architecture) operating system. The CUDA(r) Toolkit provides a development...

Linux/Unix, Amazon Linux 2016.03 - 64-bit Amazon Machine Image (AMI)

Free Trial

Bitfusion Boost Ubuntu 14 Caffe

Starting from $0.00 to $0.297/hr for software + AWS usage fees

Ubuntu 14 AMI pre-installed with Nvidia Drivers, Cuda 7.5 Toolkit, cuDNN 5.1, Caffe, pyCaffe, Python 2 & 3 support, Enum34, h5py, Matplotlib, NumPy, Pandas, PyCuda, PyDot,...

Linux/Unix, Ubuntu 14.04 - 64-bit Amazon Machine Image (AMI)

Free Trial

Bitfusion Boost Ubuntu 14 Torch 7

Starting from $0.001 to $1.33/hr for software + AWS usage fees

Ubuntu 14 AMI pre-installed with Nvidia Drivers, Cuda 7 Toolkit, cuDNN 5.1, Torch7, iTorch, and Jupyter to leverage Nvidia GRID instances as well as CPU instances. Designed...

Linux/Unix, Ubuntu 14.04 - 64-bit Amazon Machine Image (AMI)

Amazon Linux x64 AMI with TensorFlow (GPU)

GPU-Enabled TensorFlow AMI is a one-click deployment of TensorFlow, an open source machine learning library. This image is based on the Amazon Linux AMI with NVIDIA GRID GPU...

Linux/Unix, Amazon Linux 2015.05.04 - 64-bit Amazon Machine Image (AMI)

Octane Cloud Desktop

Octane Cloud Desktop is the world's first turn-key high performance cloud desktop solution specifically designed for streaming high-end remote graphics. Use this AMI to stream...

Windows, Windows 2008 R2 x64 - 64-bit Amazon Machine Image (AMI)