GitHub offers free accounts for users and organizations working on public and open source projects, as well as paid accounts that offer unlimited private repositories.

Tip: You do not need a paid user account to access and work on repositories in an organization. Free accounts can work on an organization's private repositories, as long as they are added to an organization.

Signing up for service

  1. Go to GitHub's Pricing page.
  2. Read the information about the different accounts GitHub offers and decide which type of account you'd like to create, then click Join GitHub for free or Upgrade your account.

    Tip: If you want more information about account types, you can read about the difference between a user and an organization account.

  3. Under "Create your personal account," type your username, email address, and password, then click Create an account. Create personal account entry form

  4. Select your plan type. If you're unsure about what you need, you can just select the Free account type. You can upgrade or downgrade your account at any time. Plan options

  5. Click Finish sign up.

Congratulations, and welcome to GitHub!

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