Igor Serebryany is Developer Happiness Engineer at Airbnb. Yes, that’s his actual title, and he and his team work on developer tooling and developer infrastructure designed to make Airbnb engineers as happy and productive as possible.

At our FutureStack15 user conference in San Francisco last month, Igor took the stage to explain Airbnb’s alternate approach to shipping code. His presentation—“Democratic Deploys at Airbnb”—was intended to show the audience that traditional release management and release processes are almost always not the best way to keep a rapidly scaling team shipping with as little friction as possible.

Instead, Airbnb relies on Deployboard, a set of flexible tools that integrate SCM, builds, and deploys, to guide engineers through the deploy process. At Airbnb, Igor explained, every engineer deploys their own code. Watch the entire presentation below to find out why Airbnb thinks turning every developer into a release manager is a good idea, and how Deployboard makes it possible.

You can see all available FutureStack15 presentation videos, including the keynotes, at our FutureStack15 YouTube playlist. We’ll be adding more in the coming days and weeks, so subscribe now!


Photo: © Andrew Weeks Photography

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Fredric Paul (aka The Freditor) is Editor in Chief for New Relic. He's an award-winning writer, editor, and content strategist who has held senior editorial positions at ReadWrite, AllBusiness.com, InformationWeek, CNET, Electronic Entertainment, PC World, and PC|Computing. His writing has appeared in MIT Technology Review, Omni, Conde Nast Traveler, and Newsweek, among other places. View posts by .

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