PHP 7.0 - Zend Server Developer Edition (Ubuntu)

30 Day Free Trial Available - Zend Server Developer Edition on EC2 is your killer PHP dev environment. It's a PHP application server with a supported runtime and tools like Z-Ray, deployment automation and live performance diagnostics that will take your PHP development to a whole new level.Create great apps faster and solve issues before code reaches production:- Use Z-Ray to get deep insight into how your code is running while you are developing it- Automate the release of your PHP applications from code to production- Integrate with the tools you already use, like Git, Jenkins, Chef and Nagios- Maintain a consistent... Read more

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    Latest Version

    9.0.1_0 (Other available versions)

    Operating System

    Linux/Unix, Ubuntu 14.04

    Delivery Method

    64-bit Amazon Machine Image (AMI) (Read more)

    AWS Services Required

    Amazon EC2, Amazon EBS


    • Z-Ray gives unprecedented, in-context visibility inside apps, by showing in real-time exactly what happens to construct each page - presented in your development browser, with no workflow changes required
    • Automate the release of your PHP applications from code to production, integrating with tools like Git, Jenkins, Chef, and Nagios.
    • Standardize on a consistent, secure stack preinstalled with the right extensions debuggers, and frameworks

    Product Description

    Zend Server Developer Edition on EC2 is your killer PHP dev environment. It's a PHP application server with a supported runtime and tools like Z-Ray, deployment automation and live performance diagnostics that will take your PHP development to a whole new level.
    Create great apps faster and solve issues before code reaches production:
    - Use Z-Ray to get deep insight into how your code is running while you are developing it
    - Automate the release of your PHP applications from code to production
    - Integrate with the tools you already use, like Git, Jenkins, Chef and Nagios
    - Maintain a consistent environment through the entire application lifecycle

    Product Details

    • Version: 9.0.1_0
    • Available on AWS Marketplace Since: 05/05/2016


    Usage Instructions

    To access the UI for Zend Server open port 10081 in your security groups and go to http://<Public DNS>:10081 using your web browser. Deploy your code onto Zend Server, then access the app in a browser...

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    Support Details

    PHP 7.0 - Zend Server Developer Edition (Ubuntu)

    For details on the support service agreement for Zend Server, please see

    Get information and open support cases at

    Every Zend Server customer on AWS qualifies for support! You have to register for cloud support services to be able to open a ticket. Register at

    AWS Infrastructure

    AWS Support is a one-on-one, fast-response support channel that is staffed 24x7x365 with experienced and technical support engineers. The service helps customers of all sizes and technical abilities to successfully utilize the products and features provided by Amazon Web Services. Learn more

    Refund Policy

    Zend Offers a Limited Warranty for our software as specified by our EULA and all refunds are handled according to EULA terms.

    End User License Agreement

    By subscribing to this product you agree to terms and conditions outlined in the product End User License Agreement (EULA).


    You will have an opportunity to review your order before launching or being charged.

    Pricing Details

    For Region

    Free Trial

    Try one instance of this product for 30 days. There will be no hourly software charges for that instance, but AWS infrastructure charges still apply. Free Trials will automatically convert to a paid hourly subscription upon expiration.

    Hourly Fees

    Total hourly fees will vary by instance type and EC2 region.

    EC2 Instance Type Software EC2 Total
    t2.micro $0.03/hr $0.012/hr $0.042/hr
    t2.small $0.03/hr $0.023/hr $0.053/hr
    t2.medium $0.03/hr $0.047/hr $0.077/hr
    m3.medium $0.03/hr $0.067/hr $0.097/hr
    t2.large $0.03/hr $0.094/hr $0.124/hr

    EBS General Purpose (SSD) volumes

    • $0.10 per GB-month of provisioned storage

    Assumes On-Demand EC2 pricing

    Learn about instance types

    Data Transfer Fees not included

    Learn more about Data Transfer Fees

    For lower prices you can utilize:

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