Introducing Breached Password Detection and our own Multi Factor Authentication, Guardian.
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See Auth0 In Action

Try it now - click the highlighted code to choose different options, then try logging in or signing up on the phone screen to see how easy Auth0 is for both users and developers.

  1. var method =
  2. var options = {
  3. Connections will only be enabled if social method is chosen
  4. connections:
    ["github", "google-oauth2"]["github", "windowslive"]["github", "facebook"]["facebook", "twitter"]["facebook", "twitter", "windowslive", "google-oauth2"]
  5. primaryColor:
  6. icon:
  7. gravatar:
  8. };
  9. var lock = new Auth0LockPasswordless(cid, domain);
  10. lock[method](options);


With customers in over 167 countries and redundant cloud data centers on three continents, Auth0 is ideally located to serve you.

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Easy Development

No matter your choice of development stack, Auth0 gives you sample code, tutorials, and live documentation to integrate effortlessly.


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