AWS Operational, Security and Cost Management Insights Starting at $3/day

LGO-Splunk-Light-CMYK-KThanksgiving is over and we now enter the gift-giving season and Splunk has something that you can both be thankful for as well as a little gift for you (just make sure you read to the end).  First, what you can be thankful for – you can now get full visibility into your AWS environments starting at just $3/day with the new combination of Splunk Light and the Splunk App for AWS 5.0.

Let’s face it, if you use Amazon Web Services (AWS) you use it for a few key reasons:

  • Ease of deployment and ongoing maintenance
  • On-demand flexibility
  • Lower total cost of ownership than an on-premise environment

With all of that you also get a ton of information such as AWS CloudTrail, AWS Config, CloudWatch not to mention VPC Flow Logs, Billing and many other bits of AWS telemetry. Now you just need a way to extract the insight and value form that pile of data. Well Splunk’s got your back by helping you:

  • Gather important insights into security-related activities such as unauthorized access attempts, network configuration changes and billing anomalies.
  • Visualize and interact with your AWS topology to conduct security compliance checks and gain recommendations to manage costs and more efficiently utilize resources.
  • Leverage a pre-built knowledge base of dashboards, reports, and alerts that deliver real-time visibility into your environment.

And it gets even better because Splunk has packaged Splunk Light with the Splunk App for AWS to give you the visibility you need at a price you can afford (starting at $3 per day if that didn’t register already).


So what’s new about this combination other than the extremely low cost of entry and the benefits of Splunk for your specific use case?  Well imagine out-of-the box you get a version of Splunk designed to help you manage your AWS environment.  Sure many people love the broad utility of Splunk (one of my favorite Splunk t-shirts is “All batbelt. No tights.”) but some of us just want to solve a specific problem and to solve it as soon as possible.


Account ID

Now some of you (ok, MOST of you) fantasize about the batbelt (present company included). Want to monitor more than just AWS telemetry or want to really jack up those VPC Flow Logs?  Well rest assured you can still get that with a seamless upgrade from Splunk Light with AWS to Splunk Enterprise (literally install a new license key and reboot) to deploy multiple use cases and Splunk’s Premium Solutions for IT Service Intelligence, Enterprise Security, and User Behavior Analytics.

Budget Planner

So now you can start with Splunk Light for a specific, and important, use case and seamlessly expand as you need.

And now for that gift I promised at the top of the blog… Exclusively for AWS Marketplace customers, you can login to AWS and get 6 months of Splunk Light for AWS for free. This reminds me of another one of my favorite Splunk T-shirts for all you IT headbangers out there – “IT Deeds Done Dirt Cheap”.

Marc Itzkowitz
Director of Product Marketing
Splunk Light

The $3 per day price is based on an annual license fee of US $900 for indexing up to 1 gigabyte of data per day using Splunk Light Software, and an annual subscription fee of US $1080 for indexing up to 1 gigabyte of data per day using Splunk Light Cloud Service.