Solano CI Supports Docker Builds

Solano Labs is pleased to announce beta support for Docker builds within Solano CI! This is a feature that we’ve discussed with many customers and prospective customers as they’ve explored using Docker in their development processes. We’ve been internally using Docker-based containers for isolating workers for over a year now. Since then we’ve made significant strides in using it to provide greater stability and insulation of Solano CI’s testing environment and are happy to now allow our users fine-grained control over their own Docker containers running within Solano workers.

With this functionality, users can use the “docker” command to run Docker builds, pull from Docker Hub, and perform any other actions supported by the command. We’re planning to build out this support over the coming months, and encourage all participants to send us feedback and feature requests so we can incorporate it and improve our support.

Docker in Solano CI is currently in a private beta, and those interested in participating should complete this survey or contact for more information. Documentation is available here and you can find a sample app on Github and Docker Hub.

Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or want to participate!

The Solano Labs Team

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