Announcing Solano CI Tutorial & New GitHub Integration

Solano Labs is excited to announce the release of our brand-new GitHub Integration!

Using the newly built GitHub Integration, we are able to provide a catered onboarding tutorial that shows you how CI/CD works within Solano CI – all using free open-source codebases. The tutorial walks users through:

  1. Forking one of our open source example repositories:
  2. Installing the Github Integration and granting access to your new fork
  3. Editing and automatically committing a solano.yml from Solano CI
  4. Watching the tests run and pass!

In addition to enabling this more robust onboarding flow, GitHub Integrations aim to give users more fine-grained control over the permissions granted to third-party applications. You can now give Solano CI access to your code on a repo-by-repo basis, eliminating the need for confusing bot accounts. The integration also gives the ability for Solano CI to have write access to your solano.yml, which will be used for smart  in-app editing of your Solano Configuration.

If you know of an Open Source project that has CI needs, and you’d like to see it featured as a part of our tutorial flow, please reach out to us at

This onboarding tutorial is available to all newly created trial accounts. Please give it a try and let us know what you think!

We’ll be giving the option for current GitHub OAuth Integration organizations to migration to the new GitHub Integration in the next few months – if you’d like to explore migrating sooner, please reach out to us at

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