Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation

ANSTO hosts successful Iron Koala exercise

Ever since the Nuclear Security Summit in Washington DC in 2010 and the follow up in Seoul, South Korea earlier this year, nuclear security has been top of the agenda for world leaders.

Cancer patients to benefit from new supply chain

Australian patients will benefit from a new collaboration announced between the Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation (ANSTO) and US Radiopharmaceuticals (USR).

Science podcasts

Professor John Dodson

Methane and the 'good news' on climate change

Ice core research has revealed that a vast, potential source of the potent greenhouse gases, methane, is more stable in a warming world than previously thought.

MP3 file: 7:07 min

ANSTO videos

What is ANSTO

A short video explaining what ANSTO does, and why nuclear science and technology is important to Australia.

Embedded video: 1:00 min

What do you know about spray formation?

Fulbright scholarship recipient Daniel Duke's visit to ANSTO showed that understanding the complex behaviour of spray patterns could be good for our health.
Water monitor

Robust processes and measurable targets ...

ANSTO's safety policies are framed around providing
a people-safe workplace that minimises the organisation's impact on the environment ...
OPAL pool

OPAL status: ON

The reactor is planned to operate in cycles for 300 days in 2012 with short maintenance shutdowns.
Days operating this year:  days
In the laboratory

Benefits for Australia ...

ANSTO undertakes and facilitates research that advances the application of nuclear science and technology for all Australians.

For the full range ...

ANSTO provides a range of commercial products and services to industry, including the mining and nuclear medicine industries. 

Nearly half the ionising radiation humans are exposed to is caused by:

Nearly half the ionising radiation humans are exposed to is caused by:

Cosmic rays from outer space
X-rays from x-ray machines
Foods rich in potassium-40 (e.g. bananas and nuts)
Radon gases which naturally occur in the air