Chef Automate

One platform that delivers DevOps workflow, automated compliance, and end-to-end pipeline visibility

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Chef Automate gives you a full-stack continuous deployment pipeline, automated testing for compliance and security, and visibility into everything that's happening along the way. It builds on Chef for infrastructure automation, InSpec for compliance automation and Habitat for application automation. You can transform your company into a highly collaborative, software-driven organization with Chef Automate as the engine.

Benefits of Chef Automate

DevOps workflow at scale

Chef Automate's deployment pipeline includes automated quality gates that give your teams the ability to deploy safely and at velocity. You'll have a common basis for managing changes with full transparency and accountability.

Compliance at velocity

When compliance is code, requirements can be checked as part of the automated deployment pipeline. Replace spreadsheets filled with abstract descriptions with tangible tests that have a clear intent. Your team knows what standards they're expected to meet, and auditors know exactly what is being tested.

Comprehensive visibility

Visualize and search for data aggregated from multiple Chef servers, nodes running the Chef client or nodes managed by chef-solo. Understand what happened, when it happened and why. Correlate data across multiple data centers, dig deeply into operational issues to find the configuration needle in your infrastructure haystack, and share what you find with all team members.

Effective cross-team collaboration

Chef Automate tracks and tests dependencies between projects and teams. Deploy safely, even in a multi-team, multi-project environment where there are complex interdependencies.

Chef Automate Features


Deliver a continuous deployment pipeline for infrastructure and applications. Its full-stack approach, where infrastructure changes are delivered in tandem with application changes, means safe deployment at high velocity.

View Workflow


Gain insight into operational, compliance, and workflow events. There is a query language available through the user interface and customizable dashboards. Insight into your network and development processes has never been easier.

View Visibility


Identify compliance issues, security risks, and outdated software with customizable reports. Write your own compliance rules in InSpec or get started quickly by using built-in profiles – predefined rule sets for a variety of security frameworks.

View Compliance

Use Cases

Automation for Data Centers and the Cloud

Automate the management of your infrastructure the DevOps way and simplify your migration to the cloud. It's all about infrastructure as code.


Automation for Compliance and Security

Use Chef Automate to test for compliance and security. Assess and remediate continuously. It's all about compliance as code.


Automation for Continuous Delivery

Deploy infrastructure and apps the DevOps way. Test changes before you deploy. Automate your workflow and eliminate silos with Chef's full-stack pipeline.


Automation for Collaboration at Scale

Take control of complex dependencies all the way from development to production. Use Chef Automate for effective cross-team testing and release coordination.


How Chef Automate Works

Chef Automate builds on open-source products and enables change management and rapid deployment for the entire technology stack.

Chef includes the Chef client and server for creating and managing your infrastructure. Chef also includes Chef DK, which provides the tools you need to test your code.

InSpec is an open-source testing framework for infrastructure. It includes a language for specifying compliance and security rules.

Habitat is automation that travels with the application. With Habitat, your apps can run anywhere—bare metal, VMs, containers, and PaaS.

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Services and Support

Chef Automate comes with comprehensive 24x7 support services for the entire platform, including open source components. We also offer a proactive Customer Success Support Subscription and additional consulting services and DevOps workshops.

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