Capacity and Technical Efficiency Toolbox

The Capacity and Technical Efficiency Toolbox contains selected literature, examples, and programs about measuring efficiency and capacity in fisheries. These examples use Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) and are written in GAMS―the General Algabraic Modeling System. More information about GAMS can be obtained from GAMS Development Corporation.

The Toolbox has recently been updated to reflect changes that have occurred in the GAMS programming language. Specifically, GAMS Development has released the GUSS utility which can be used to solve multiple instances of the same linear programming problem, which is what a DEA program does. Simply put, a DEA program solves the same linear programming problem multiple times by changing the data considered during each model run. This page has now been updated with a separate section showing examples of DEA programs using the GUSS solver. These examples are equivalent models to those found in the “Oriented Models” section.

The Capacity and Technical Efficiency Toolbox was developed by John Walden, NOAA Fisheries economist, at the Northeast Fisheries Science Center in Woods Hole, MA. 

Technical Efficiency

These programs measure technical efficiency from either an input or output orientation. Programs are based on algorithms found in Production Frontiers by Färe, Grosskopf, and Lovell (1994). All programs are written in GAMS and are available in PDF format.



Older Programs

Oriented Models


Non-Oriented Models



 Directional  Distance  Function

 Graph  Efficiency


Capacity and Capacity Utilization

Listed below are a series of programs for estimating capacity based on the Johansen (1968) definition of plant capacity. In these models, fixed factors do not constrain production. There are several different approaches used including: the standard output oriented model, the graph efficiency approach, and the directional distance function approach. The directional distance function approach includes example programs where there are undesirable outputs.