Home Seafood Industry Impacts Recreational Fishing Expenditures Recreational Fishing Impacts

Welcome to the Interactive Fisheries Economic Impacts Tool. This tool provides annual estimates of the economic impacts of the seafood industry and annual estimates of both the expenditures and impacts of marine recreational fishing for the years 2006 through 2008. The estimates for 2009 should be available at the beginning of 2011. All dollar estimates are in nominal dollars, which are not adjusted for inflation.

Seafood Industry Impacts: NOAA’s National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) Seafood Industry Input/Output Model was designed to estimate economic impacts for fishery products as they work their way through the entire economy from harvesting to the final users. The model provides estimates of the economic impacts of each of the following sectors of the seafood industry: 1) commercial harvesters, 2) primary dealers and processors, 3) secondary seafood wholesalers and distributors, 4) grocers, and 5) restaurants. The economic impacts of the last four sectors are for domestically landed fish and imported fish and other seafood products. Estimates of the income, sales and employment impacts are presented at the state and national levels. The estimates for a specific state measure only the impacts that occurred within that state due to the seafood industry activities in that state. For the commercial harvesters sector, the harvesting activity is attributed to the state where the fish were landed. The economic impacts generated in one state by the seafood industry activities in other states are not included in the estimated impacts for that state. Therefore, the sum of the reported economic impacts for the states in a region will likely understate the economic impacts of the seafood industry on that region. These interstate impacts are captured in the aggregate U.S. model. Due to model enhancements implemented in August 2010, the values reported for 2006-2008 will not match the values reported in Fisheries Economics of the U.S.

Recreational Fishing Expenditures: The marine recreational fishing trip expenditure estimates are provided by trip mode: 1) private boat, 2) shore, and 3) for-hire. Estimates are also provided for durable equipment expenditures related to marine recreational fishing, which include expenditures on fishing tackle and gear, fishing related equipment, boats, vehicles, and second homes.

Recreational Fishing Impacts: A NMFS input/output model is used to estimate the sales, employment, and value added impacts of marine recreational fishing expenditures at the state and national levels. The estimates for a specific state measure only the impacts that occurred within that state due to marine recreational fishing expenditures in that state. Impacts cannot be added across states to estimate regional or national impacts because the impacts generated in one state by marine recreational fishing expenditures in other states are not included in the estimated impacts for that state and because durable expenditures are not additive across states. These interstate impacts are captured in the aggregate U.S. model.

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