Recreational Publications


  • Carter, D.W., A. Marvasti, C. Liese, and S. Crosson. 2016. Inferring the Value of Sportfishing Harvest from Boat Fuel Purchases. Marine Resource Economics. 31(3):323-338.

  • Carter, D.W., S. Crosson, and C. Liese. 2015. Nowcasting Intraseasonal Recreational Fishing Harvest with Internet Search Volume. PLOS ONE.10(9): e0137752.

  • Lew, D. K., D. Putnam, and D. M. Larson. 2016. Attitudes and preferences toward Pacific halibut management alternatives in the saltwater sport fishing charter sector in Alaska: Results from a survey of charter halibut permit holders. U.S. Dep. Commer., NOAA Tech. Memo. NMFS-AFSC-326, 58 p.

  • Lovell, S.J., J. Hilger, Scott Steinback, and Clifford Hutt. 2016. The Economic Contribution of Marine Angler Expenditures on Durable Goods in the United States, 2014. U.S. Dep. Commerce, NOAA Tech. Memo. NMFS-F/SPO-165, 72 p.


  • Call, Isabel L., and Daniel K. Lew. "Tradable Permit Programs: What Are the Lessons for the New Alaska Halibut Catch Sharing Plan?" Marine Policy 52: 125-137, 2015.

  • Lew, Daniel K., Amber Himes-Cornell, and Jean Lee. "Weighting and Data Imputation for Missing Data in a Cost and Earnings Fishery Survey." Marine Resource Economics 30(2), 2015.

  • Lew, Daniel K., and Douglas M. Larson. "Stated Preferences for Size and Bag Limits of Alaska Charter Boat Anglers." Marine Policy 61: 66-76, 2015.

  • Lew, Daniel K., Gabriel Sampson, Amber Himes-Cornell, Jean Lee, and Brian Garber-Yonts. "Costs, Earnings, and Employment in the Alaska Saltwater Sport Fishing Charter Sector, 2011-2013." U.S. Dept of Commerce, NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS-AFSC-2738, 2015, 134 p.

  • Shideler, G.S., D.W. Carter, C. Liese, and J.E. Serafy. 2015. Lifting the goliath grouper harvest ban: Angler perspectives and willingness to pay. Fisheries Research. 161(Jan): 156-165.


  • Hutt, Clifford, Sabrina Lovell, and George Silva. 2014. The Economic Contributions of Atlantic Highly Migratory Species Anglers in New England and the Mid-Atlantic, 2011. U.S. Department of Commerce, NOAA Tech. Memo. NMFS-F/SPO-147, 34 p.

  • Larson, Douglas M., and Daniel K. Lew. "The Opportunity Cost of Travel Time as a Noisy Wage Fraction." American Journal of Agricultural Economics 96(2): 420-437, 2014.

  • Lew, Daniel K., and Chang Seung. "On the Statistical Significance of Regional Economic Impacts from Changes in Recreational Fishing Harvest Limits in Southern Alaska." Marine Resource Economics 29(3): 241-257, 2014.

  • Lew, Daniel K., and Douglas M. Larson. "Is a Fish in Hand Worth Two in the Sea? Evidence from a Stated Preference Study." Fisheries Research 157: 124-135, 2014.

  • Lovell, S.J. and D.W.Carter. 2014. The use of sampling weights in regression models of recreational fishing-site choice. Fishery Bulletin. 112:243-252.

  • Hutt, Clifford, Sabrina Lovell, and George Silva. 2014. The Economic Contributions of Atlantic Highly Migratory Species Anglers in New England and the Mid-Atlantic, 2011. U.S. Department of Commerce, NOAA Tech. Memo. NMFS-F/SPO-147, 34 p.


Costs of Delaying Conservation: Regulations and the Recreational Values of Rockfish and Co-occurring Species

  • Anderson, L. E., S. T. Lee, P. S. Levin. 2013. Costs of Delaying Conservation: Regulations and the Recreational Values of Rockfish and Co-occurring Species. Land Economics, 89(2):371-385.

Untangling the Recreational Value of Wild and Hatchery Salmon

  • Anderson, L. E., S. T. Lee. 2013. Untangling the Recreational Value of Wild and Hatchery Salmon. Marine Resource Economics, 28(2):175-197.

The Economics of the Recreational For-hire Fishing Industry in the Northeast United States

A Random parameter model with onsite sampling for recreation site choice: An application to Southern California shoreline sportfishing

  • Kuriyama K., J. Hilger, W. M. Hanemann. 2013. "A Random parameter model with onsite sampling for recreation site choice: An application to Southern California shoreline sportfishing." Environmental and Resource Economics, 56: 481-497.

How Do Harvest Rates Affect Angler Trip Patterns?

  • Larson, Douglas M., and Daniel K. Lew (2013). "How Do Harvest Rates Affect Angler Trip Patterns?" Marine Resource Economics, 28(2): 155-173.

The Economic Contribution of Marine Angler Expenditures in the United States, 2011

Accounting for variation in exogenous shocks in economic impact modeling

  • C.K. Seung and Lew, D.K. 2013. "Accounting for variation in exogenous shocks in economic impact modeling." Annals of Regional Science, DOI 10.1007/s00168-012-0550-0.


The Economic Value of Catching and Keeping or Releasing Saltwater Sport Fish in the Southeast USA

  • Carter, D.W. and C. Liese. 2012. The Economic Value of Catching and Keeping or Releasing Saltwater Sport Fish in the Southeast USA. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 32(4): 613-25.

Cost-Earnings study of the Hawaii Charter Fishing Fleet

Modeling the Behavior of Marlin Anglers in the Western Pacific

  • Duffield J, Neher C, Allen S, Patterson D, Gentner B. 2012. Modeling the Behavior of Marlin Anglers in the Western Pacific. Marine Resource Economics: December 2012, Vol. 27, No. 4, pp. 343-357.

Economic Values for Saltwater Sport Fishing in Alaska: A Stated Preference Analysis

  • Lew, Daniel K., and Douglas M. Larson (2012). "Economic Values for Saltwater Sport Fishing in Alaska: A Stated Preference Analysis." North American Journal of Fisheries Management, 32(4): 745-759.

Economic and social characteristics of bottomfish fishing in the main Hawaiian Islands


A repeated mixed logit approach to valuing a local sport fishery: the case of Southeast Alaska salmon

  • Lew, D.K. and D.M. Larson. 2011. A repeated mixed logit approach to valuing a local sport fishery: the case of Southeast Alaska salmon. Land Economics, 87: 712-729.

Collecting Economic Data from the For-Hire Fishing Sector: Lessons from a Cost and Earnings Survey of the Southeast U.S. Charter Boat Industry

  • Liese, C. and D.W. Carter. 2011. Collecting Economic Data from the For-Hire Fishing Sector: Lessons from a Cost and Earnings Survey of the Southeast U.S. Charter Boat Industry. 14 p. In Beard, T.D., Jr., A.J. Loftus, and R. Arlinghaus (editors). The Angler and the Environment. American Fisheries Society, Bethesda, MD.

Resistance to alternative management in fisheries: economic and cultural considerations of North Carolina's commercial fishers

  • Crosson, S. 2011. Resistance to alternative management in fisheries: economic and cultural considerations of North Carolina's commercial fishers. Politics and the Life Sciences 30(2): 31-42.

Contribution, linkages and impacts of the fisheries sector to Hawaii'is economy: a social accounting matrix analysis


Hedonic Valuation of Sportfishing Harvest

  • Carter, D.W. and C. Liese. 2010. Hedonic Valuation of Sportfishing Harvest. Marine Resource Economics 25(4): 391-407.

The Economic Impact of Saltwater Sportfishing Harvest Restrictions in Alaska: An Empirical Analysis of Nonresident Anglers

  • Lew, D.K. and C.K. Seung. 2010. "The Economic Impact of Saltwater Sportfishing Harvest Restrictions in Alaska: An Empirical Analysis of Nonresident Anglers." North American Journal of Fisheries Management. 30:538–551.


The Economic Contribution of Marine Angler Expenditures in the United States, 2006


Sensitivity of angler benefit estimates from a model of recreational demand to the definition of the substitute sites considered by the angler


Valuing water quality changes using a bioeconomic model of a coastal recreational fishery


Examining target species substitution in the face of changing recreational fishing policies

A stated preference choice approach to understanding angler preferences for management options

The effects of water quality on coastal recreation flounder fishing

Substitution in recreational fishing


The economic importance of marine angler expenditures in the U.S.

  • Steinback, S., B. Gentner and J. Castle. 2004. The Economic Importance of Marine Angler Expenditures in the U.S. NOAA Professional Paper NMFS 2 169p.

Do angler's tell the truth? Examining revealed and state preferences for conservation


Evaluating marine sport fisheries in the USA

Stated preference methods for environmental management: recreational summer flounder angling in the Northeastern United States


Marine angler expenditures in the Southeast Region, 1999

Marine angler expenditures in the Pacific Coast Region, 2000

Impacts on anglers on the proposed halibut charter IFQ system


The value of the Gulf of Mexico recreational red snapper fishery

  • Ozuna, T., Jr., D. Gilig, and W.L. Griffin. 2000. The Value of the Gulf of Mexico Recreational Red Snapper Fishery. Marine Resource Economics, 15(2): 127-139.

The economic value of marine recreational fishing in the Southeast United States: 1997 Southeast economic data analysis

An introduction to the NMFS Marine Recreational Fisheries Statistics Survey with an emphasis on economic valuation

  • Hicks, R.L., A.B. Gautam, D. Van Voorhees, M. Osborn, and B. Gentner. 2000. An introduction to the NMFS Marine Recreational Fisheries Statistics Survey with an emphasis on economic valuation. Marine Resource Economics 14(2): 375-385.

Implications of various transfer and cap policies on the halibut charter fishery

Current and future participation in marine recreational fishing in the Southeast U.S. Region


Volume I: summary report of methods and descriptive statistics for the 1994 Northeast Region Marine Recreational Economics Survey

Volume II: the economic value of New England and Mid-Atlantic sportfishing in 1994.

  • Hicks, R., Steinback, S., Gautam, A. and E. Thunberg. 1999. Volume II: the economic value of New England and Mid-Atlantic sportfishing in 1994. NOAA Tech Memo No. NMFS-F/SPO-38.

Volume III: summary report of methods and descriptive statistics for the 1994 Northeast Region Marine Recreational Fishing Participation Survey

Demand for recreational fishing in Tampa Bay, Florida: a random utility

  • Greene, G., C.B. Moss, and T.H. Spreen. 1997. Demand for Recreational Fishing in Tampa Bay, Florida: A Random Utility Approach. Marine Resource Economics 12(4): 1997.

Regional economic impact assessments of recreational fisheries: an application of the IMPLAN modeling system to marine party and charter boat fishing in Maine

Effects of the avidity bias survey estimates of fishing effort and economic value

Southeast Marine Recreational Fishery Statistical Survey: distance and catch based choice sets

  • Whitehead, J.C. and T.C. Haab. 1999. Southeast Marine Recreational Fishery Statistical Survey: Distance and Catch Based Choice Sets. Marine Resource Economics 14(4): 283-298.


Valuation of recreational fisheries in the north-east United States. Striped Bass: a case study