Research Areas

Gas Phase Chemical Physics

Gas Phase Chemical Physics (GPCP) research emphasizes studies of the dynamics and rates of chemical reactions at energies characteristic of combustion, and the chemical and physical properties of key combustion intermediates. The overall aim is the development of a fundamental understanding of chemical reactivity enabling validated theories, models and computational tools for predicting rates, products, and dynamics of chemical processes involved in energy utilization by combustion devices. Important to this aim is also the development of experimental tools for discovery of fundamental dynamics and processes affecting chemical reactivity. Combustion models using this input are developed that incorporate complex chemistry with the turbulent flow and energy transport characteristics of real combustion processes.

Through the GPCP program, DOE is the principal supporter of high-temperature chemical kinetics and gas-phase chemical reaction dynamics in the nation. This activity also has oversight for several national laboratory programs, including the Combustion Research FacilityExternal link, a unique, multi-investigator research laboratory that have a strong collaborative visitor program and that promotes synergism between BES-supported basic research and the applied science and technology programs supported the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy and industry.

To obtain more information about this research area, please see our Core Research Area descriptions and the proceedings of our Principal Investigators' Meetings. To better understand how this research area fits within the Department of Energy's Office of Science, please refer to the Basic Energy Science's organization chart.pdf file (132KB) and budget request.

For more information about this research area, please contact Dr. Wade Sisk.

Last modified: 3/5/2016 8:02:29 PM