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logo: NOAANOAA Workshop on
Climate Data Records from
Satellite Passive Microwave Sounders
March 2 - 3, 2011

ESSIC logoMeeting Location:

Earth System Science
and Interdisciplinary Center

5825 University Research Ct., Suite 4001
University of Maryland Research Park
MSquare Building (Bldg. #950)
Riverdale, MD 20737

Information & Welcome Package

Workshop organizers:

For more information, contact the workshop organizers:

photo: MSquare Building, University of Maryland Research Park

Workshop Purposes and Goals

As part of NOAA's Climate Data Record (CDR) program, we are holding a day and a half workshop focusing on the AMSU/MHS/SSMT2 sensors (AMSU emphasis on window channels). This workshop is to fulfill part of the requirements by NOAA's CDR program office. It will be similar in focus and format to the one on MSU/AMSU (sounding channels) and SSM/I, another CDR project, that was held in March 2010. This meeting will be held concurrently (March 2) and separately (March 3) from the NASA GPM X-CAL workshop being organized by Tom Wilheit which will take place on March 1 at the same location. For those who are familiar with X-CAL, the group has started to examine AMSU in preparation for the GPM mission.

The overarching goals for the workshop are:

  • To allow NOAA's CDR Product Development Teams to interact with AMSU and SSM/T2 data/product users and other CDR developers on relevant aspects of sensor characteristics and intercalibration that will lead to mature CDRs.
  • To provide a formal mechanism for input by external parties with expertise on the subject matter, in particular, sensor scientists and engineers.
  • To move towards a community consensus approach for NOAA microwave sounder CDRs.

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