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Production of hydrogen through the water-gas shift reaction on Pt-CeOx interfaces supported on titania.06.01.14Science Highlight

Stacking Metals for Better Catalysis: A New Type of Metal-Support Interaction

Designing a novel catalyst for the production of hydrogen. Read More »

Image of simulated soot particle courtesy of N. D. Loh and A. Freeberg, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory.05.01.14Science Highlight

More Than Meets the Eye: X-ray Vision Exposes Aerosol Structures

Soot particle diversity and complexity discovered using ultrafast x-rays at the Linac Coherent Light Source (LCLS). Read More »

Light emitting diode comprising an active layer of engineered quantum dots (QDs) contacted by electron (bottom) and hole (top) transport/injection layers.05.01.14Science Highlight

Improving Quantum Dot Light Emitting Diodes: One Step Closer to Lighting Up Your Room

Nanoscale engineering boosts the performance of quantum dot light emitting diodes. Read More »

Modified amino acid residues leave a tell-tale “trail” of water’s passage through the protein and to the active site of the photosynthetic protein complex known as Photosystem II (PS II).05.01.14Science Highlight

Following the Trail of Water Molecules Through Photosystem II During Photosynthesis

Researchers have identified a possible channel that enables substrate water molecules to travel to the active site of Photosystem II. Read More »

Disruption of Mediator rescues growth and fertility in Arabidopsis low lignin mutants.05.01.14Science Highlight

Mediating Biofuel Complexity through “Mediator” Modification

Research points to more efficient and lower cost routes to high-yield biomass-derived renewable fuels. Read More »

Detailed electron microscopy images.11.01.12Science Highlight

Turning Down the Heat on Carbon

Unusual reaction eschews high temperatures and water to lock away climate-changing carbon dioxide. Read More »

Using a molecular template before atomic layer deposition leads to cavities in thin oxide films that act as shape-selective sieving layers for oxidations and reductions.10.01.12Science Highlight

Adding Nanocavities to Catalyst Surfaces Enhances Chemical Selectivity

Adding an oxide sieve, a layer containing nanocavities, to a catalyst surface makes the catalyst selective for specific reactions and increases efficiencies for chemical processes. Read More »

Photoionization/mass spectrometry apparatus at the Advanced Light Source10.01.12Science Highlight

Synchrotron plus Mass Spectrometer equals New Insights Into Combustion Chemistry

Unique analysis of the reaction of propene with oxygen atom reveals the influence of electron spin on combustion chemistry. Read More »

Electron momentum energy map of an oxygen (O2) molecule10.01.12Science Highlight

The Dance of Atoms in Molecules Captured in Ultrafast Time

The first real-time images of two atoms vibrating in a molecule have been captured using a technique called laser-induced electron diffraction. Read More »

To map the oceanic subsurface at a scale and resolution previously unknown, EMGeo unites the latest in computing power with advanced geophysical imaging techniques.10.01.12Science Highlight

Finding Hidden Oil and Gas Reserves

Supercomputers + Software + electromagnetic images yield new way to discriminate underground deposits from surrounding geology. Read More »

Last modified: 3/9/2015 10:40:03 AM