Automated Snow/Ice Mapping System

The Global Multisemsor Automated Snow and Ice mapping system (GMASI) uses synergy of observations in the visible, infrared amd microwave spectral bands from operational polar orbititng and geostationary satellites to generate daily global maps of snow and ice cover. The current version of the system incorporates data from the following satellite sensors: METOP-A AVHRR, DMSP F-16,-17, -18 and -19 SSMIS, GOES-East and -West Imager, MSG SEVIRI. GMASI global daily snow and ice maps (images and binary data) are available here.

The most recent North America snow and ice map in stereographic projection


Southern Hemisphere
North America South America snow cover, GOES/Imager (2000-2014)
North America snow/ice, METOP/AVHRR Australia and New Zealand, METOP/AVHRR
Snow depth from MODIS (2003-2004) Southern Hemisphere multisensor snow/ice
Snow depth over Great Plains, GOES/Imager Antarctic ice
South Africa snow cover from MSG/SEVIRI (2008-2015)
South Africa snow cover, METOP/AVHRR
Northern Hemisphere multisensor snow/ice maps
Eurasia North America (METOP/AVHRR+GOES+SSMIS)
Europe snow cover from MSG SEVIRI (2006-2013) Northern Hemisphere (multisensor)
Eurasia snow/ice, METOP/AVHRR
Global snow/ice cover from DMSP SSM/I
VALIDATION OF SNOW AND ICE RETRIEVALS Multisensor global snow/ice cover map (GMASI)
Validation of snow maps Combined MODIS and SSMIS snow map
Snow extent monitor VIIRS global snow fraction maps
Global snow/ice animation, 2013-2014
Global snow/ice animation, 2014-2015
Global snow/ice animation, 2015-2016
Global Snow/Ice Mapping System (GMASI) ATBD In situ snow observations in Caribou, ME
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