Proceedings Article

Towards post-launch validation of GOES-R ABI SI traceability with high-altitude aircraft, small near surface UAS, and satellite reference measurements

[+] Author Affiliations
Francis Padula, Aaron J. Pearlman

GeoThinkTank, LLC (United States)

Changyong Cao

NOAA National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service (United States)

Steve Goodman

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (United States)

Proc. SPIE 9972, Earth Observing Systems XXI, 99720V (September 19, 2016); doi:10.1117/12.2238181
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From Conference Volume 9972

  • Earth Observing Systems XXI
  • James J. Butler; Xiaoxiong (Jack) Xiong; Xingfa Gu
  • San Diego, California, United States | August 28, 2016


The GOES-R field campaign (planned for April – June 2017) is focused to support post-launch validation of the Advanced Baseline Imager (ABI) and Geostationary Lightning Mapper (GLM). Great emphasis has been placed in the development of methodologies to achieve the ABI GOES-R field campaign primary objective - validation of ABI L1b spectral radiance observations to ensure the SI traceability established pre-launch. An integrated approach using high altitude aircraft, near surface UAS, and satellite reference measurements was developed to achieve the ABI validation objectives of the GOES-R field campaign. The high-altitude aircraft measurements coupled with special ABI collections are planned to provide the primary pathway (direct comparison) to validate ABI SI traceability of all ABI operational detectors. Near surface Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) are planned to provide a secondary pathway to validate ABI SI traceability through coincident near surface measurements of Earth validation targets using the Earth’s surface as a reference (indirect comparison). Satellite reference measurements obtained through special ABI collections and Simultaneous Nadir Overpass (SNO) of reference sensors will also provide a secondary pathway to validate ABI SI traceability. A detailed description of each validation approach, the critical components, and the preliminary expected uncertainties will be presented. The combined collections offer advanced post-launch validation capabilities and foster new perspectives for science teams during the post-launch validation and monitoring of NOAA’s next generation of operational environmental satellites. © (2016) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.


GOES-R website, "Advanced Baseline Imager," (August 2016).
Schmit, T. J., Paul Griffith, Mathew M. Gunshor, Jaime M. Daniels, Steven J. Goodman and William J. Lebair, "A Closer Look at the ABI on the GOES-R Series," Bull. Am. Meteor. Soc., doi: 10.1175/BAMS-D-15-00230.1 (2016).
Tobin, D.C., Revercomb, H.E., Moeller, C.C., Pagano, T.S.," Use of Atmospheric Infrared Sounder high–spectral resolution spectra to assess the calibration of Moderate resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer on EOS Aqua," J. Geophys. Res. (111), D09S02 (2006).
Taylor, J., Tobin, D., Revercomb, H., Best, F., Garcia, R., Motteler, H., and Goldberg, M., "Suomi NPP/JPSS Cross-track Infrared Sounder (CrIS): Calibration Validation With The Aircraft Based Scanning High-resolution Interferometer Sounder (S-HIS)," in Fourier Transform Spectroscopy and Hyperspectral Imaging and Sounding of the Environment, OSA Technical Digest (online) Optical Society of America, paper FW1A.3. d (2015).
Larar, A.M., Zhou, D.K., Liu, X., Tian, J., Smith, W.L., "Advanced sounder validation studies from recent NAST-I airborne field campaigns," Proc. SPIE 9880, Multispectral, Hyperspectral, and Ultraspectral Remote Sensing Technology, Techniques and Applications VI, 988004 (2016).
Pavri, E.B. & Green, R.O., "AVIRIS/SeaWIFS Cross-Calibration for 1999," Proceedings on AVIRIS: (2000).
Green, R.O., Pavri, B.E., and Chrien, T.G., "On-Orbit Radiometric and Spectral Calibration Characteristics of EO-1 Hyperion Derived With an Underflight of AVIRIS and In Situ Measurements at Salar de Arizaro, Argentina," IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 41(6), 1194-1203 (2003).
Thome, K., "Absolute radiometric calibration of Landsat 7 ETM+ using the reflectance-based method," Remote Sensing of Env. (2001).
Czapla-Myers, J., McCorkel, J., Anderson, N., Thome, K., Biggar, S., Helder, D., Aaron, D., Leigh, L., and Mishra, N., "The Ground-Based Absolute Radiometric Calibration of Landsat 8 OLI," Remote Sens. (7) 600-626 (2015).
Czapla-Myers, J., Ong, L., Thome, K., and McCorkel, J., "Validation of EO-1 Hyperion and Advanced Land Imager Using the Radiometric Calibration TestSite at Railroad Valley, Nevada," IEEE Journal Of Selected Topics In Applied Earth Observations And Remote Sensing 9(2), 816-826 (2016).
McCorkel, J., Thome, K. and Ong, L., "Vicarious calibration of EO-1 Hyperion. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing," 6(2), 400-407 (2013).
Committee on Earth Observation Satellites (CEOS) Working Group on Calibration & Validation (WGCV), CEOS, (August 2016).
Global Space-based Inter-Calibration System (GSICS), GSICS, (August 2016).
NASA ER-2 High Altitude Aircraft: (August 2016).
AVIRISng, Next-Generation Airborne Visible/Infrared Imaging Spectrometer – Jet Propulsion Laboratory: (August 2016).
S-HIS, Scanning High-resolution Interferometer Sounder – University of Wisconsin (August 2016).
FEGS - Fly’s Eye GLM Simulator – NASA MSFC.
LIP – Lightning Instrument Package – NASA MSFC: (August 2016).
CPL - Cloud Physics Lidar – NASA GSFC: (August 2016).
CRS - Cloud Radar System – NASA GSFC: (August 2016).
GCAS – GeoCAPE Airborne Simulator – NASA GSFC.
Padula, F., Goodman, S., Cao, C., & Wu, X., "GOES-R Field Campaign: Addressing the Validation Challenges of Geostationary Satellite Observations," Oral Presentation, Conference on Characterization and Radiometric Calibration for Remote Sensing (CALCON), (August 2015).
Personal correspondents Timothy Williams (NASA AFRC) & Ian Mccubbin (NASA JPL): June 13, 2016.
AVIRIS Data, NASA JPL, (August 2016).
Bradley G. Henderson and Keith S. Krause, "Relative Radiometric Correction of QuickBird Imagery Using the Side-Slither Technique On-Orbit", SPIE (2004).
Godard, Enrico Stoll, Cody Anderson, Roland Schulze, and Brian D’Souza, "Integrating Advanced Calibration Techniques into Routine Spacecraft Operations", Conf.Proc. SpaceOps (2012).
Aaron Gerace, John Schott, Michael Gartley, and Matthew Montanaro, "An Analysis of the Side Slither On-Orbit Calibration Technique Using the DIRSIG Model", Remote Sens., 6, (2014).
Personal correspondents Alexander Berk (Spectral Sciences, Inc.): February 25, 2016.
Padula, F., Cao, C., Laszlo, I., Yu, Y., Goodman, G., "Evaluation of Near Surface UAV Capabilities for the GOES-R Field Campaign," Poster Presentation - NOAA Satellite Conference: Preparing for the Future of Environmental Satellites (2015).
Pearlman, A., Padula, F., Shao, X., Cao, C., Goodman, S., "Initial Design & Performance of the Near Surface Unmanned Aircraft System Sensor Suite in support of the GOES-R Field Campaign," Proc. SPIE – submitted for publication (2016).
Cao, C., Weinreb, M., and Xu, H., "Predicting Simultaneous Nadir Overpasses among Polar-Orbiting Meteorological Satellites for the Intersatellite Calibration of Radiometers," Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 21, 537-542 (2004).
Cao, C. and Heidinger, A., "Intercomparison of the longwave infrared channels of MODIS and AVHRR/NOAA16 using simultaneous nadir observations at orbit intersections," Proc. Of SPIE (2002).
Cao, C., J.Xiong, S. Blonski, Q. Liu, S. Uprety, X. Shao, Y. Bai, F. Weng, "Suomi NPP VIIRS sensor data record verification, validation, and long-term performance monitoring," Journal of Geophysical Research- Atmosphere, 118(20), 664–678 (2013).
Tobin, D., Revercomb, H., Knuteson, R., Taylor, J., Best F., Borg, L., DeSlover, D., Martin, G., Buijs, H., Esplin, M., Glumb, R., Han, Y., Mooney, D., Predina, J., Strow, L., Suwinski, L., Wang, L., "Suomi-NPP CrIS radiometric calibration uncertainty," J. of Geophys Res: Atmospheres, 118, 10,589–10,600 (2013).
Larar, A.M., Smith, W.L., Zhou, D.K., Liu, X., Revercomb, H., Taylor, J.P., Newman, S.M., and Schlussel, P., "IASI spectral radiance validation inter-comparisons: case study assessment from the JAIVEx field campaign," Atmos. Chem. Phys., 10, 411–430 (2010).
Padula, F. and Cao, C., "Using S-NPP VIIRS as a Transfer Radiometer to Inter-compare GOES-R ABI and Himawari-8 AHI," Oral Presentation, AMS Annual Meeting (2014).
Full text of this article:

Francis Padula ; Aaron J. Pearlman ; Changyong Cao and Steve Goodman
" Towards post-launch validation of GOES-R ABI SI traceability with high-altitude aircraft, small near surface UAS, and satellite reference measurements ", Proc. SPIE 9972, Earth Observing Systems XXI, 99720V (September 19, 2016); doi:10.1117/12.2238181;



GOES-R website, "Advanced Baseline Imager," (August 2016).
Schmit, T. J., Paul Griffith, Mathew M. Gunshor, Jaime M. Daniels, Steven J. Goodman and William J. Lebair, "A Closer Look at the ABI on the GOES-R Series," Bull. Am. Meteor. Soc., doi: 10.1175/BAMS-D-15-00230.1 (2016).
Tobin, D.C., Revercomb, H.E., Moeller, C.C., Pagano, T.S.," Use of Atmospheric Infrared Sounder high–spectral resolution spectra to assess the calibration of Moderate resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer on EOS Aqua," J. Geophys. Res. (111), D09S02 (2006).
Taylor, J., Tobin, D., Revercomb, H., Best, F., Garcia, R., Motteler, H., and Goldberg, M., "Suomi NPP/JPSS Cross-track Infrared Sounder (CrIS): Calibration Validation With The Aircraft Based Scanning High-resolution Interferometer Sounder (S-HIS)," in Fourier Transform Spectroscopy and Hyperspectral Imaging and Sounding of the Environment, OSA Technical Digest (online) Optical Society of America, paper FW1A.3. d (2015).
Larar, A.M., Zhou, D.K., Liu, X., Tian, J., Smith, W.L., "Advanced sounder validation studies from recent NAST-I airborne field campaigns," Proc. SPIE 9880, Multispectral, Hyperspectral, and Ultraspectral Remote Sensing Technology, Techniques and Applications VI, 988004 (2016).
Pavri, E.B. & Green, R.O., "AVIRIS/SeaWIFS Cross-Calibration for 1999," Proceedings on AVIRIS: (2000).
Green, R.O., Pavri, B.E., and Chrien, T.G., "On-Orbit Radiometric and Spectral Calibration Characteristics of EO-1 Hyperion Derived With an Underflight of AVIRIS and In Situ Measurements at Salar de Arizaro, Argentina," IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 41(6), 1194-1203 (2003).
Thome, K., "Absolute radiometric calibration of Landsat 7 ETM+ using the reflectance-based method," Remote Sensing of Env. (2001).
Czapla-Myers, J., McCorkel, J., Anderson, N., Thome, K., Biggar, S., Helder, D., Aaron, D., Leigh, L., and Mishra, N., "The Ground-Based Absolute Radiometric Calibration of Landsat 8 OLI," Remote Sens. (7) 600-626 (2015).
Czapla-Myers, J., Ong, L., Thome, K., and McCorkel, J., "Validation of EO-1 Hyperion and Advanced Land Imager Using the Radiometric Calibration TestSite at Railroad Valley, Nevada," IEEE Journal Of Selected Topics In Applied Earth Observations And Remote Sensing 9(2), 816-826 (2016).
McCorkel, J., Thome, K. and Ong, L., "Vicarious calibration of EO-1 Hyperion. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing," 6(2), 400-407 (2013).
Committee on Earth Observation Satellites (CEOS) Working Group on Calibration & Validation (WGCV), CEOS, (August 2016).
Global Space-based Inter-Calibration System (GSICS), GSICS, (August 2016).
NASA ER-2 High Altitude Aircraft: (August 2016).
AVIRISng, Next-Generation Airborne Visible/Infrared Imaging Spectrometer – Jet Propulsion Laboratory: (August 2016).
S-HIS, Scanning High-resolution Interferometer Sounder – University of Wisconsin (August 2016).
FEGS - Fly’s Eye GLM Simulator – NASA MSFC.
LIP – Lightning Instrument Package – NASA MSFC: (August 2016).
CPL - Cloud Physics Lidar – NASA GSFC: (August 2016).
CRS - Cloud Radar System – NASA GSFC: (August 2016).
GCAS – GeoCAPE Airborne Simulator – NASA GSFC.
Padula, F., Goodman, S., Cao, C., & Wu, X., "GOES-R Field Campaign: Addressing the Validation Challenges of Geostationary Satellite Observations," Oral Presentation, Conference on Characterization and Radiometric Calibration for Remote Sensing (CALCON), (August 2015).
Personal correspondents Timothy Williams (NASA AFRC) & Ian Mccubbin (NASA JPL): June 13, 2016.
AVIRIS Data, NASA JPL, (August 2016).
Bradley G. Henderson and Keith S. Krause, "Relative Radiometric Correction of QuickBird Imagery Using the Side-Slither Technique On-Orbit", SPIE (2004).
Godard, Enrico Stoll, Cody Anderson, Roland Schulze, and Brian D’Souza, "Integrating Advanced Calibration Techniques into Routine Spacecraft Operations", Conf.Proc. SpaceOps (2012).
Aaron Gerace, John Schott, Michael Gartley, and Matthew Montanaro, "An Analysis of the Side Slither On-Orbit Calibration Technique Using the DIRSIG Model", Remote Sens., 6, (2014).
Personal correspondents Alexander Berk (Spectral Sciences, Inc.): February 25, 2016.
Padula, F., Cao, C., Laszlo, I., Yu, Y., Goodman, G., "Evaluation of Near Surface UAV Capabilities for the GOES-R Field Campaign," Poster Presentation - NOAA Satellite Conference: Preparing for the Future of Environmental Satellites (2015).
Pearlman, A., Padula, F., Shao, X., Cao, C., Goodman, S., "Initial Design & Performance of the Near Surface Unmanned Aircraft System Sensor Suite in support of the GOES-R Field Campaign," Proc. SPIE – submitted for publication (2016).
Cao, C., Weinreb, M., and Xu, H., "Predicting Simultaneous Nadir Overpasses among Polar-Orbiting Meteorological Satellites for the Intersatellite Calibration of Radiometers," Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 21, 537-542 (2004).
Cao, C. and Heidinger, A., "Intercomparison of the longwave infrared channels of MODIS and AVHRR/NOAA16 using simultaneous nadir observations at orbit intersections," Proc. Of SPIE (2002).
Cao, C., J.Xiong, S. Blonski, Q. Liu, S. Uprety, X. Shao, Y. Bai, F. Weng, "Suomi NPP VIIRS sensor data record verification, validation, and long-term performance monitoring," Journal of Geophysical Research- Atmosphere, 118(20), 664–678 (2013).
Tobin, D., Revercomb, H., Knuteson, R., Taylor, J., Best F., Borg, L., DeSlover, D., Martin, G., Buijs, H., Esplin, M., Glumb, R., Han, Y., Mooney, D., Predina, J., Strow, L., Suwinski, L., Wang, L., "Suomi-NPP CrIS radiometric calibration uncertainty," J. of Geophys Res: Atmospheres, 118, 10,589–10,600 (2013).
Larar, A.M., Smith, W.L., Zhou, D.K., Liu, X., Revercomb, H., Taylor, J.P., Newman, S.M., and Schlussel, P., "IASI spectral radiance validation inter-comparisons: case study assessment from the JAIVEx field campaign," Atmos. Chem. Phys., 10, 411–430 (2010).
Padula, F. and Cao, C., "Using S-NPP VIIRS as a Transfer Radiometer to Inter-compare GOES-R ABI and Himawari-8 AHI," Oral Presentation, AMS Annual Meeting (2014).
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