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December 29, 2016
EM's Richland Operations Office achieved cost savings by increasing disposal capacity at the Environmental Restoration Disposal Facility, known as the “hub” of Hanford cleanup.
EM Sites Cut Costs by More Than $100 Million in Fiscal Year 2016

WASHINGTON, D.C. – EM sites reduced operating costs by more than $100 million in fiscal year (FY) 2016, responding to a challenge from EM leadership to free more funding for cleanup.

December 29, 2016
UCOR workers take down the final portion of Building K-27 earlier this year, achieving Vision 2016, a DOE goal to remove all of the former uranium enrichment buildings at the East Tennessee Technology Park by the end of 2016. K-27 was the fifth and final gaseous diffusion building to be demolished at the site. Successful demolitions of the four other buildings were completed from 2006 to 2015.
EM’s Oak Ridge Cleanup Contractor Earns 94 Percent of Available Fee

OAK RIDGE, Tenn. – EM’s cleanup contractor at the Oak Ridge site received about $3.4 million for its performance from April through September 2016, or 94 percent of the total award fee available.

December 29, 2016
HB Line Engineer Chris Loyal performs process monitoring with a spectrophotometer.
Innovation Improves Plutonium Processing at Savannah River Site

AIKEN, S.C. – Savannah River National Laboratory (SRNL) teamed with EM to implement new chemical measurement instrumentation, replacing an aging process monitoring system for the Savannah River Site (SRS) surplus plutonium disposition mission.

December 29, 2016
WRPS personnel often wear multiple layers of protective clothing and use respiratory protection while working. Here they prepare to remove waste from one of Hanford’s oldest single-shell radioactive waste storage tanks, C-104, and transfer the waste to a newer, safer double-shell tank.
Hanford Tank Operations Contractor Receives ‘Very Good’ Rating

RICHLAND, Wash. – EM’s Office of River Protection (ORP) recently rated the Hanford tank farms contractor’s fiscal year (FY) 2016 performance as “very good” in an award fee determination scorecard.

December 29, 2016
RICHLAND, Wash. – A fresh blanket of snow covers the in-progress demolition at the Plutonium Reclamation Facility (PRF), the first of four main buildings at the Plutonium Finishing Plant to be demolished.
Workers Continue Demolishing High-Hazard Facility at Hanford Site

RICHLAND, Wash. – Crews with EM Richland Operations Office contractor CH2M Plateau Remediation Company are removing the fourth floor of the six-story PRF after tearing down its top two floors.

December 29, 2016
The small-scale replica of the Denitration Mineralization Reformer, part of the Integrated Waste Treatment Unit’s primary reaction vessel, will be used for testing scheduled in January.
Idaho Waste Treatment Facility Testing Continues in January

IDAHO FALLS, Idaho – A small-scale version of the Integrated Waste Treatment Unit’s (IWTU) primary reaction vessel will be used for testing at a Colorado research and testing facility beginning in January to help resolve technical challenges that surfaced during prior simulated waste treatment runs.

December 29, 2016
Dr. Vincent Adams congratulates crew members who prepared the first shipment of process gas equipment from the Portsmouth Site in early 2013.
Dr. Vincent Adams Retiring After 30-Year DOE Career

LEXINGTON, Ky. – Dr. Vincent Adams, deputy manager of EM’s Portsmouth/Paducah Project Office (PPPO), retires at the end of this month after 30 years at DOE.

December 29, 2016
Instructors and participants in EM’s 100th safety culture training class, left to right: Jose Christian, National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA); Lynn Maestas, NNSA; Rock Aker (kneeling), Office of Science (instructor); Jessica Arcidiacono, NNSA; Shahram Ghasemian, Office of Hearing and Appeals; Kristen Ellis, EM; Jennifer Kline, NNSA; Robin Warren, NNSA; Bart Barnhart, EM; Patrick Rhoades, NNSA; Gregory Hatchett, NNSA; Jessica Kunkle, NNSA; Benjamin Wang, NNSA; Julie Goeckner, EM (instructor); Dan Schwendenman, NNSA; Jeff Underwood, NNSA; and Gregory Sosson, EM (instructor). Not pictured: Kevin Dressman, Office of Enterprise Assessments; and Patrick Rhoads, NNSA.
DOE Conducts 100th Safety Culture Training Class

WASHINGTON, D.C. – In ongoing efforts to further strengthen safety culture across the DOE cleanup program, DOE earlier this month held its 100th safety culture training class for senior leadership.

December 29, 2016
Centerra-SRS Security Police Officer performs an X-Ray inspection of items prior to admittance into a security area.
SRS Security Contractor Achieves 'Exceptional' Performance Rating

AIKEN, S.C. – Savannah River Site (SRS) security contractor Centerra - SRS recently earned an “exceptional” rating for the second half of fiscal year 2016, meriting a $2.8 million award fee of the approximately $3 million available for the evaluation period.

December 29, 2016
The reboiler is key to the 242-A Evaporator, which creates needed space in Hanford’s tanks by concentrating liquid tank waste.
WRPS Awards Subcontract for 242-A Evaporator Reboiler

RICHLAND, Wash. – EM Office of River Protection contractor Washington River Protection Solutions awarded a subcontract procuring a spare reboiler for the 242-A Evaporator in accordance with a milestone set in the April 12, 2016 federal court-issued Second Amended Consent Decree between DOE and the Washington State Department of Ecology.