
Virtual Contract Management Team

The Site Office operates as a virtual contract management team working to provide the necessary information to ensure that the Contracting Officers have the appropriate performance information to execute their warrant. A strong partnership with the Laboratory eliminates unnecessary low value added transactions to maximize mission delivery.

The CO’s implement contract management functions through the appropriate Site Office staff in accordance with the Site Office processes and procedures. In addition, they provide advice and leadership to the virtual contract management team, the CORs and other parties as appropriate.

FSO Oversight Program

The role of the Fermi Site Office is to serve as the Local Office of Science and High Energy Physics (HEP) representative and the Site's Owner/Landlord providing necessary permits and stewarding the Lab and all related property. To work with affected stakeholders and the Local community on Lab related activities maintaining awareness of scientific and research thrust to enable partnering with the Contractor on Laboratory stewardship activities including evaluation of alignment of facilities, equipment, and scientific expertise with future Laboratory missions. Administer Contract and evaluate contract performance and deliverables (Performance Evaluation and Measurement Plan) and Deliver approvals and contract modifications necessary for mission success. To provide Federal Project Director service to all major Fermi Lab projects. Our Goal in FSO is to find solutions no one else can find that are safe efficient and responsible to enable the Fermi Lab science mission.

The Department of Energy (DOE) is both the owner and regulator of the DOE sites. DOE is responsible for ensuring that all activities are performed safely (i.e. protective of the worker, the public, and the environment) and efficiently while achieving mission objectives. DOE performs oversight to confirm the outputs of the Laboratory's Quality Assurance programs and Contractor Assurance Systems (CAS). We (DOE) integrate our activities with the CAS, and our activities include: Review of contractor management system documents and records; Review and analyses of the outputs of CAS, including peer reviews and internal contractor assessments of operations, facilities, projects, programs, and systems; Performance of operational awareness activities such as assessments, surveillance, inspections, work observations, surveys, walkthroughs, and attendance of contractor meetings. Review of CAS management system information and trends and direct activity observation (boots on the ground).

The Fermi Site Office commitment to the Laboratory includes partnering in all ways to enable mission. Looking for opportunities to empower the Lab to make decisions by: Eliminating low value added and unneeded approvals, Avoiding over-involvement in Contractor systems, Integrate DOE activities with Lab activities to ensure work is being done consistently with contract (confirm not validate) and efforts are not duplicative. Ask tough questions of the Lab and ourselves to help improve performance.



Last modified: 3/5/2016 8:20:13 PM