User Facility News

01.19.17User Facility

Neutrons and a ‘Bit of Gold’ Uncover New Type of Quantum Phase TransitionExternal link

Researchers at Oak Ridge National Laboratory have discovered a new type of quantum critical point, a new way in which materials change from one state of matter to another. Read More »

01.18.17User Facility

Tracking Antarctic Adaptations in DiatomsExternal link

A team led by University of East Anglia (UEA) scientists in Norwich, England conducted a comparative genome analysis that provided clues on how climate change might impact evolutionary adaptation limits. Read More »

01.17.17User Facility

Study of Microbes Reveals New Insight About Earth’s Geology and Carbon CyclesExternal link

Anaerobic bacteria play a central role in cycling carbon and other key elements throughout Earth. A new study by researchers at Argonne National Laboratory shows that the behavior of these microbes is significantly affected by the types of carbon “food” sources available to them. Read More »

01.17.17User Facility

For First Time Ever, X-ray Imaging at Argonne Captures Material Defect ProcessExternal link

Argonne researchers are the first to capture the formation of nanomaterial defects in near-real time. Their work will help other researchers model the behavior of materials, a step that is key to engineering stronger, more reliable materials. Read More »

01.12.17User Facility

Sketching Out Magnetism With ElectricityExternal link

In a proof-of-concept study published in Nature Physics, researchers drew magnetic squares in a nonmagnetic material with an electrified pen and then “read” this magnetic doodle with X-rays. Read More »

01.11.17User Facility

Chemistry on the Edge: Study Pinpoints Most Active Areas of Reactions on Nanoscale ParticlesExternal link

Defects and jagged surfaces at the edges of nanosized platinum and gold particles are key hot spots for chemical reactivity, a team of researchers working at the Department of Energy’s Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) and the Hebrew University of Jerusalem in Israel confirmed with a unique infrared probe. Read More »

01.10.17User Facility

Science DMZ is Focus of Latest Library of Network Training Videos Aimed at Global AudienceExternal link

For the second time in a year, ESnet and the NSRC have produced and released a library of short explanatory videos to help network engineers around the world gain basic knowledge, set up basic systems and drill down into areas of specific interest. Read More »

01.09.17User Facility

Crystallization Method Offers New Option For Carbon Capture From Ambient AirExternal link

Scientists at the Department of Energy’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory have found a simple, reliable process to capture carbon dioxide directly from ambient air, offering a new option for carbon capture and storage strategies to combat global warming. Read More »

01.05.17User Facility

Supercomputer Simulations Helping to Improve Wind PredictionsExternal link

A research team led by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) is performing simulations at the Argonne Leadership Computing Facility (ALCF), a U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Science User Facility, to develop numerical weather prediction models that can provide more accurate wind forecasts in regions with complex terrain. Read More »

01.05.17User Facility

Light Can Switch On Topological MaterialsExternal link

Computer simulations show how light pulses can create channels that conduct electricity with no resistance in atomically thin semiconductors. Read More »

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Last modified: 2/26/2016 1:21:30 PM