Labs at-a-Glance: Ames Laboratory

Ames Laboratory

Quick Facts

  • Location: Ames, Iowa
  • 8 acres and 12 buildings
  • 310 Full Time Employees
  • 149 Students

Core Capabilities

  • Condensed Matter Physics and Materials Science
  • Chemical and Molecular Science
  • Applied Materials Science and Engineering

Recent Annual Funding by Source (Costs in $M)

Ames Laboratory - FY2014 Funding by Source (Costs in $ million): ASCR, $0.180; BER, $0.273; BES, $24.286; FES, $0.054; Other SC, $1.468; EERE, $15.817; Other DOE, $3.525; WFO, $1.587. 

Last modified: 4/21/2016 11:36:46 AM