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01.09.17Science Highlight

Seashell Formation Provides Understanding of Historic Oceanographic Conditions

Insights into how ancient marine organisms formed shells could improve climate model accuracy. Read More »

01.09.17Science Highlight

Light Strikes Gold

Scientists advance the precision controlled synthesis of gold nanocrystals, which could create new catalysts that improve industrial energy efficiency. Read More »

12.14.16Science Highlight

Surrounded by Water

Water molecules can organize around protons from acids, influencing how the positive charge behaves in batteries, power plants, and waste sites.

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12.14.16Science Highlight

New Properties Discovered in Atom-Wide Troughs

Scientists found that removing lines of atoms in thin electronic materials creates “veins” that could benefit solar panels and more.

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12.14.16Science Highlight

Spinning the (X-ray) Light Fantastic

Delta undulator provides researchers with a new tool to probe chiral materials with widespread utility in agriculture and pharmaceuticals.

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12.14.16Science Highlight

Translating Basic Biological Research to Cancer Drug Discovery

Discovery of promising next-generation inhibitors for metastatic melanoma treatment done with help from x-ray crystallography.

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12.14.16Science Highlight

How to Convince Molecules to Self-Assemble into Precise Hollow Nanotubes

Scientists reveal another design principle for building nanostructures in soft matter, valuable for batteries, water purification, and more.

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12.13.16Science Highlight

Polarized Partners: Spinning Electrons Yield Spinning Positrons

Researchers demonstrate a new technique for producing polarized positrons that could improve manufacturing and lead to new discoveries.

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12.13.16Science Highlight

Helium: When You Must be Sure it’s Ultra-Pure

A new method detects residual contaminants in ultra-pure helium gas, critical to nuclear physics experiments.

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HEP-2016-12-b-thmb12.05.16Science Highlight

New Limits in the Search for Sterile Neutrinos

New searches for sterile neutrinos, hypothetical particles that do not directly “talk to” any particles in the Standard Model, significantly narrow the remaining regions where these particles may be hiding. Read More »

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Last modified: 4/21/2016 11:36:52 AM