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Palladium-nickel nanoparticles (top structural model) are synthesized and then exposed to reactive gases (lower right) while being probed with high-energy x-rays.03.01.15Science Highlight

Optimizing Atomic Neighborhoods for Speedier Chemical Reactions

Clusters with longer separations between atoms had enhanced catalytic activity. Read More »

Researchers investigated the sensitivity of net radiative fluxes at the top of the atmosphere to 16 parameters related to cloud and aerosol representations in the Community Atmosphere Model version Highlight

Examining How Radiative Fluxes Are Affected by Cloud and Particle Characteristics

New insights improve Community Atmosphere Model’s representation. Read More »

Illustration of the catalytic oxygen reduction reaction on the surface of platinum-nickel nanoframes with multilayered platinum skin structure.03.01.15Science Highlight

Multimetal Nanoframes Improve Catalyst Performance

Concentrating noble-metal catalyst atoms on the surface of porous nano-frame alloys shows over thirty-fold increase in performance. Read More »

Changes in the crystal structure and electronic properties of vanadium dioxide (VO2) occur during its insulator-to-metal phase transition (V blue; O red).03.01.15Science Highlight

Insulator-to-Metal Transition of Vanadium Dioxide

New studies explain the transition, providing a quantitative picture of a 50-year-old mystery. Read More »

Comparison of bioethanol production strategies, including second-generation consolidated bioprocessing, a single-step process in which a microbe breaks down unpretreated cellulosic biomass and converts the resulting sugars into fuel.03.01.15Science Highlight

Microbe Produces Ethanol from Switchgrass Without Pretreatment

Genetic engineering allows biomass-degrading bacterium to make fuel in a single process. Read More »

A glacier in eastern Greenland flows through a long and narrow valley carved by the movement of ice.03.01.15Science Highlight

New Method Relates Greenland Ice Sheet Changes to Sea-Level Rise

Modeling approach includes the effects of ice sheet elevation and region. Read More »

Scientists have developed a new approach that uses sophisticated mathematical solutions to improve computational simulations of ecosystem water processes.03.01.15Science Highlight

New Mathematical Method Enhances Hydrology Simulations

Approach uses land-atmosphere observations to calibrate model. Read More »

Data collected from the Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Climate Research Facility’s Southern Great Plains site (shown here) was used to evaluate and compare climate model simulations of precipitation.03.01.15Science Highlight

Comparing Climate Models to Real World Shows Differences in Precipitation Intensity

Understanding the differences and similarities will help improve how models represent storm clouds and other convective processes. Read More »

Researchers are seeking to understand the chemical processes leading to secondary organic aerosol formation from isoprene compounds emitted by many species of trees including eucalyptus (shown here).03.01.15Science Highlight

Competition Not Concentration Matters when Forming Cloud-Influencing Aerosols

Nitrogen oxide has nonlinear effects on the volatility and composition of SOA based on isoprene emitted by trees. Read More »

Crystal structure of the parent compound of a calcium-strontium-based cuprate superconductor [(Ca/Sr)2CuO3]...02.01.15Science Highlight

Predicting Magnetic Behavior in Copper Oxide Superconductors

New theoretical techniques predict experimental observations in superconducting materials. Read More »

Last modified: 4/21/2016 11:36:54 AM