About Us


The Oce of Science and Technology is part of the NOAA Fisheries. The S&T advocates and ensures sound scientic basis for NOAA
Fisheries science programs and resource conservation and management decisions. It is composed of a Directorate and ve Divisions.
Dr. Ned Cyr is the Director of the Oce.

The Office of Science and Technology is part of NOAA Fisheries. The Office advocates and ensures a sound scientific basis for NOAA Fisheries science programs and resource conservation and management decisions. It is composed of a Directorate and five Divisions. Dr. Ned Cyr is the Director of the Office.





To sustain and enhance NOAA Fisheries’ science programs to enable sound conservation and management of the Nation’s living marine resources and their ecosystems. Read More...  


NOAA Fisheries is the trusted source of the scientific information and advice needed to ensure that Americans enjoy the sustained riches and benefits of healthy and diverse marine ecosystems.