
We are committed to making sure that Taylor & Francis Online is accessible to everyone. If you are having a problem using this website, or if you have any comments or questions, please let us know by completing our Contact us form or by emailing

Accessibility standards

For HTML web pages, Taylor & Francis Online follows W3C guidelines. W3C is the governing authority on Web development standards and practices, and it defines three accessibility levels in its Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) issue 2.0. From least to most accessible, these are: A, AA, and AAA. Currently, Taylor & Francis Online currently aims to make all publicly available web pages meet level A, and will aspire to meet level AA where possible.

These Accessibility Guidelines explain how to make online content accessible to people with disabilities. Adherence to these guidelines ensures that the internet is more accessible to users with disabilities, which in turn benefits all users. We are aware that some parts of this website are not as accessible as we would like. In some cases this is a result of legacy content (content that we have acquired from other publishers), although we have tried to provide an accessible alternative where possible.

We are also aware that there are some more general accessibility issues, including a number of images which are missing alternative text and form fields which have not been correctly associated with their labels. We are addressing these problems and they will be corrected in future updates to the website.

Accessibility features


We have provided consistent global navigation links. All pages on the site contain a search box.

There is also a 'skip to content' link on every page which allows users of assistive technologies to navigate directly to the main content.

Font size

Most browsers will allow you to change the font size of the web page. Below is a screenshot of Internet Explorer's "text size" menu option – most browsers have a similar feature – usually somewhere in the "view" menu. Please see the "help" section in your browser for more details on customization.

Accessibility Text Size image

Markup and headings

This website has been built to modern web standards using valid XHTML and CSS. We have used headings properly to help assistive technology users browse the page content.

Screen reader users:

Modern screen readers use a common set of commands allowing you to navigate through a page using the headings:

  • h - cycle through the headings
  • Shift + h - cycle backwards through the headings
  • 1 - 6 - move to the next heading of the same level (for example, 1 will move you to the next level 1 heading, 2 will move you to the next level 2 heading)
  • Shift + 1 - 6 - as above but moving through each heading backwards
  • Insert + F6 - provide a list of all headings on a page.

Opera users

If you are browsing the site using Opera you can cycle through the headings using these commands:

  • s - cycle through the headings
  • w - cycle backwards through the headings.

Browser support

Taylor & Francis Online supports all modern browsers and follows the graceful degradation web design strategy for older browsers. This means that all content should be available but newer features may not be fully supported.

Online content

Our journal content has been published in both HTML and accessible PDF formats. Secondary content has been provided as HTML where possible and accessible PDFs where not. If you are unable to open PDFs you can download Adobe reader for free. We have tried to avoid proprietary formats, such as Microsoft Word, which require paid-for software licences.

Other resources

The information on this page is specific to Taylor & Francis Online. If you would like more information or help with web accessibility, the BBC website My Web, My Way is an excellent resource.