Open access: new agreement benefits Max Planck researchers

If you are a Max Planck researcher, a new agreement will enable you to publish open access in 2,390 Taylor & Francis journals without having to pay an article publishing charge. Read more about the new funding scheme.

5 reasons to sign up to Taylor & Francis Insights

From reviewer guidelines to making an impact through social media, our Insights alerts have it covered. Need convincing? Read our 5 reasons to sign up.

Announcing 2016’s most popular Open Access research

We’ve been crunching the numbers to reveal the ten most downloaded open access (OA) articles published in 2016. Read on to discover what new research has been most read across our Open and Open Select journals in the last year…

Journals regularly ‘call for papers’, asking for submissions within particular fields or focused on specific topics. Answering these is a great way to get published, ensuring your research fits a particular journal’s aims and scope. Below are just a few of our latest calls for papers. For a complete list go to our page, updated every month.

Announcing 2016’s most popular Open Access research

Top 10 OA 2016 We’ve been crunching the numbers to reveal the ten most downloaded open access (OA) articles published in 2016. Read on to discover what new research has been most read across our Open and Open Select journals in the last year…

5 ways Taylor & Francis maximize the reach of research

5 ways Taylor & FrancisAlthough it may feel like the end of the process, getting your article published is the beginning of a new journey. Ensuring that your work is read (and ultimately cited) by as many researchers as possible is at the very center of what we do at Taylor & Francis. Here are just a few of the ways we’re maximizing the reach of your work, and some ideas on how you can help too.…

16 things you might not know about early career researchers

16 things What do early career researchers really think about peer review, open access, or Impact Factors? What motivates them to undertake research, how do they choose which journal to publish in, and how do they build their reputation amongst the scholarly community? Find out…