
The wife of a U.S. diplomat was accused of driving on the wrong side in the crash that killed the 19-year-old motorcyclist. The U.S. asserted immunity; she left the country.

Navalny's spokeswoman says he fell ill after drinking a cup of tea.

Talk of the threat posed by climate change will be wholly, if predictably, absent.

Russia has made no move to open criminal investigation into how the opposition leader was stricken.

The 1,400 or so people who attended one of Germany's largest indoor gatherings in months were the subjects of research to study crowds under the coronavirus.

Navalny remains in a coma but “there is no acute danger to his life,” Berlin’s Charité hospital said in a statement.

Momentum seems on the protesters’ side as pressure mounts on Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko.

Federal security agents tracked Navalny’s every move in Siberia, including where he stayed, who he met and what he ate.

Belarusians want democracy and a freer society, but Russia’s Putin stands in the way.

Navalny’s supporters claim the prominent Kremlin critic was the victim of a targeted attack.

A Russian doctor said there was no indication the comatose opposition leader was poisoned. Earlier, he noted tests would take days.

Weeks after opening their borders, countries are reimposing quarantines and other controls.

The pandemic program covers everything from fish and chips to Michelin-starred meals.

But the U.S.'s latest move may only deepen America’s diplomatic isolation.

Navalny’s flight to Moscow made an emergency landing when he started to feel ill.

Israeli and German fighter jets roared together over the site of the Dachau concentration camp this week.

Advocates have described a rise in people crossing the English Channel by sea in recent months.

Fear, anger and hope amid the most serious challenge to the authoritarian rule of Alexander Lukashenko.

E.U. leaders, speaking by videoconference, said they did not recognize the results of the Aug. 9 election.

In Ukraine, he was dubbed “Manafort’s Manafort.”

  • David L. Stern
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