DigitalGovOverený účet


U.S. Digital Government from 's Technology Transformation Service, home of gov-wide programs for AI, VR, Mobile, Citizen Science, Social, Analytics + more

Na Twitteri od apríl 2010

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  1. pred 4 hodinami

    In-person event this Friday: How to Craft a Persuasive Message. Tips for presenting w/slides + real-life examples

  2. pred 7 hodinami

    Webinar this Wed: Tag Managers & Your . Register now:

  3. 9. 2.

    Webinar next week! Tag Managers & Your - from the Digital Analytics Program + examples from

  4. 23. 1.

    From the archives: Using to Augment the Work of Frontline Gov Employees

  5. 20. 1.

    ICYMI: Release notes keep everyone in the know & help a team communicate the value of their work via

  6. 20. 1.

    From the archives: Development and with Chrome Developer Tools

  7. 20. 1.

    ICYMI: how is making the federal web space more secure - default for new .gov domains/subdomains

  8. 19. 1.

    The Life-Changing Magic of Writing Release Notes via

  9. 19. 1.

    : Only & Exec. Ofc. of President sites have more visitors than desktop in the last 90 days.

  10. 19. 1.

    Webinar next Wed, Jan 25: U.S. Web Design Standards Update

  11. 19. 1.

    Automatic Enforcement for New Executive Branch .Gov Domains

  12. 19. 1.

    ICYMI: Explore how political candidates and committees fund their campaigns - by

  13. 18. 1.
  14. 18. 1.

    ICYMI: USAgov, GobiernoUSAgov redesigns: based on data from searches, , & user testing via

  15. 18. 1.

    A quarter of visitors to sites right now are from Spanish-speaking countries.

  16. 18. 1.

    ICYMI: The Draft U.S. Web Design Standards 1.0 release - coming this winter, w/enhanced focus on web performance

  17. 17. 1.

    Introducing the New USAgov and GobiernoUSAgov Home Pages via

  18. 17. 1.

    ICYMI: The President & First Lady use to bring history of the White House to you via

  19. 17. 1.

    Coming soon: more tools & open source code available w/Draft U.S. Web Design Standards 1.0 release by

  20. 17. 1.

    ICYMI: How 's new mobile payment benefits agencies and the public

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