Find WQA-Certified Water Treatment Products

WQA's Certified Product Listings are available to help connect consumers with water treatment products that have been tested and certified to industry standards. WQA maintains a complete listing of all products and components that have earned the Gold Seal and Sustainability Certification Marks. Only products that pass the rigorous testing requirements of industry standards, pass annual manufacturing facility audits, and comply with WQA's Certification Schemes can be found in this listing.

User Tips

  1. To search for certified water treatment products, enter the manufacturer name, brand name or model number into the search bar below.
  2. Please enter at least three characters in the search bar. A space counts as a character when entering a two-letter word.
  3. Check the Advanced Search box to further narrow your search by the manufacturer's home country, the product standard, product type and reduction claim. 
  4. Once the search results appear, you may click on the name for a description of the standard or the manufacturer for the official product listing.
  5. When using the Advanced Search, please note that the Country menu will display results according to the country in which the manufacturing company is based, which is not necessarily the country where the product is manufactured or sold.

NOTE: When searching for Chromium-6, please choose reduction claim Hexavalent Chromium.

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