» Topics » Incorporate in Delaware

Incorporate in Delaware


-Division of Corporations: How To Form a New Business Entity
See the step-by-step process for registering your business entity in Delaware. Typical business entities registering with the Division of Corporations include General Partnerships, Limited Partnerships, "C" Corporations, "S" Corporations, Limited Liability Companies (LLC), Limited Liability Partnerships (LLP), and Statutory Trusts. (Note: Sole proprietorships do not file with the Delaware Division of Corporations. Unincorporated nonprofit associations and partnerships have the option of making certain filings with the Delaware Division of Corporations.)

-Division of Revenue: Doing Business in Delaware
See step-by-step information about licensing, taxes, and related expenses when forming and registering a business entity in Delaware.

Why Corporations Choose Delaware

Badge: Why Delaware   Almost a million business entities have their legal home in Delaware including more than 50% of all U.S. publicly-traded companies and 60% of the Fortune 500. Businesses choose Delaware because we provide a complete package of incorporation services including modern and flexible corporate laws, our highly-respected Court of Chancery, a business-friendly State Government, and the customer service oriented Staff of the Delaware Division of Corporations. Read "Why Corporations Choose Delaware" to see why almost a million business entities have chosen to make Delaware their legal home. Download the PDF.

Incorporate in Delaware

-Contact a Registered Agent
-Doing Business in Delaware
-How to Form a New Business Entity
-Incorporation Forms
-Incorporation Services
-Labor Market Information
-One Stop Business Registration Online

Incentives and Programs

-Blue Collar Job Act
-Brownfield Redevelopment Program
-Business Forms
-Delaware Manufacturing Extension Partnership
-Employee Recruiting & Retention
-Employee Training Grants
-Green Industries Program
-Limited Investment for Financial Traction (LIFT)
-Micro Loan Training Program (City of Wilmington)
-Neighborhood Assistance Program Tax Credit
-Tax and Tax Incentives

Delaware Industry Clusters

-Automotive Manufacturing
-Chemistry and Advanced Materials
-Health Sciences


-Business Forms
-Business Taxpayer Online Services
-Business Taxpayer Services
-Franchise Tax
-Partnership and Limited Liability Company Tax
-Virtual Tax Center Service

Professional Regulation and Licensing

-Division of Professional Regulation
Requirements for licensing and registration of professionals vary from specialty to specialty. Please visit the Division of Professional Regulation and select a specialty to learn more.
Updated: Tuesday, 26-Apr-2011
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