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The Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) annual edition is the codification of the general and permanent rules published in the Federal Register by the departments and agencies of the Federal Government produced by the Office of the Federal Register (OFR) and the Government Publishing Office.

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Title 40Chapter ISubchapter CPart 80

TITLE 40—Protection of Environment






Test methods.
Right of entry; tests and inspections.
Requests for information.
Sampling methods for gasoline, diesel fuel, fuel additives, and renewable fuels.
Rounding a test result for determining conformance with a fuels standard.


Controls and prohibitions.
Liability for violations.
Controls applicable to motor vehicle manufacturers.
Confidentiality of information.
Controls and prohibitions on gasoline volatility.
Liability for violations of gasoline volatility controls and prohibitions.
Controls and prohibitions on diesel fuel quality.
Liability for violations of diesel fuel control and prohibitions.
Controls applicable to liquefied petroleum gas retailers and wholesale purchaser-consumers.
Controls applicable to natural gas retailers and wholesale purchaser-consumers.


Labeling of retail gasoline pumps; oxygenated gasoline.


Fuel certification procedures.
Standards and requirements for compliance.
Simple emissions model.
Complex emissions model.
Measurement of reformulated gasoline and conventional gasoline fuel parameters.
Performance-based Analytical Test Method Approach.
Augmentation of the complex emission model by vehicle testing.
Fuels to be used in augmenting the complex emission model through vehicle testing.
General test procedure requirements for augmentation of the emission models.
Vehicle test procedures.
Vehicle preconditioning.
Measurement methods for benzene and 1,3-butadiene.
Measurement methods for formaldehyde and acetaldehyde.
General test fleet requirements for vehicle testing.
Test fleet requirements for exhaust emission testing.
Vehicle test procedures to place vehicles in emitter group sub-fleets.
General requirements for refiners and importers.
Calculation of reformulated gasoline properties.
Compliance on average.
Compliance surveys.
Requirements for downstream oxygenate blending.
Covered areas.
Descriptions of VOC-control regions.
Procedures for opting out of the covered areas.
Inability to produce conforming gasoline in extraordinary circumstances.
Recordkeeping requirements.
Reporting requirements.
Registration of refiners, importers or oxygenate blenders.
Product transfer documentation.
Controls and prohibitions on reformulated gasoline.
Liability for violations of the prohibited activities.
Enforcement exemptions for California gasoline.
Butane blending.
Renewable oxygenate requirements.
Treatment of interface and transmix.
Pentane blending.
Requirements for producers and importers of pentane used by pentane blenders.
Controls and prohibitions for producers, importers, and distributors of pentane for use by pentane blenders.


Conventional gasoline baseline emissions determination.
Individual baseline determination.
Baseline auditor requirements.
Individual baseline submission and approval.
Requirements for gasoline produced at foreign refineries.
Standards applicable to refiners and importers.
Registration of refiners and importers.
Recordkeeping requirements.
Reporting requirements.
Product transfer documents.


Attest engagements.
Sample size guidelines.
Alternative agreed upon procedures for refiners and importers.
Agreed upon procedures reports.
Agreed upon procedures for GTAB, certain conventional gasoline imported by truck, previously certified gasoline used to produce gasoline, and butane blenders.
Agreed-upon procedures for refiners and importers.


Interim detergent gasoline program.
Interim detergent program controls and prohibitions.
Liability for violations of the interim detergent program controls and prohibitions.
Volumetric additive reconciliation (“VAR”), equipment calibration, and recordkeeping requirements.
Product transfer documents (PTDs).
Detergent additive certification program.
Additive compositional data.
Detergent certification options.
Certification test fuels.
Certification test procedures and standards.
Carburetor deposit control performance test and test fuel guidelines.
Confirmatory testing.
Detergent certification program controls and prohibitions.
Liability for violations of the detergent certification program controls and prohibitions.
Volumetric additive reconciliation (VAR), equipment calibration, and recordkeeping requirements.
Product transfer documents (PTDs).
Alternative certification test procedures and standards.
Certification test fuels for use with the alternative test procedures and standards.


General Information

Who must register with EPA under the sulfur program?

Gasoline Sulfur Standards

What are the gasoline sulfur standards for refiners and importers?
What gasoline is subject to the sulfur standards and requirements?
How is the annual refinery or importer average and corporate pool average sulfur level determined?
What sulfur standards apply to gasoline downstream from refineries and importers?
What are the requirements for treating imported gasoline as blendstock?
What requirements apply to oxygenate blenders?
What alternative sulfur standards and requirements apply to transmix processors and transmix blenders?

Geographic Phase-In Program

What is the scope of the geographic phase-in program?
What standards apply to gasoline produced or imported for use in the GPA?
How does a refiner or importer apply for the GPA standards?
Designation and downstream requirements for GPA gasoline.
What are the downstream standards for GPA gasoline?

Hardship Provisions

What is the definition of a small refiner?
Who is not eligible for the hardship provisions for small refiners?
How does a refiner obtain approval as a small refiner?
What are the small refiner gasoline sulfur standards?
How does a small refiner apply for a sulfur baseline?
How is the small refiner sulfur baseline and volume determined?
Compliance plans and demonstration of commitment to produce low sulfur gasoline.
What are the procedures and requirements for obtaining a hardship extension?
How will the EPA approve or disapprove a hardship extension application?
Can a refiner seek temporary relief from the requirements of this subpart?

Allotment Trading Program

How can a small refiner obtain an adjustment of its 2004-2007 per-gallon cap standard?
How are allotments generated and used?

Averaging, Banking and Trading (ABT) Program—General Information

Who may generate credits under the ABT program?
How does a refiner apply for a sulfur baseline?

ABT Program—Baseline Determination

How is a refinery sulfur baseline determined?

ABT Program—Credit Generation

How are credits generated during the time period 2000 through 2003?
How are credits generated beginning in 2004?

ABT Program—Credit Use

How are credits used and what are the limitations on credit use?

Sampling, Testing and Retention Requirements for Refiners and Importers

What are the sampling and testing requirements for refiners and importers?
What gasoline sample retention requirements apply to refiners and importers?
What standards and requirements apply to refiners producing gasoline by blending blendstocks into previously certified gasoline (PCG)?
What alternative sulfur standards and requirements apply to importers who transport gasoline by truck?

Recordkeeping and Reporting Requirements

What records must be kept?
What are the sulfur reporting requirements?


What if a refiner or importer is unable to produce gasoline conforming to the requirements of this subpart?
What requirements apply to California gasoline?
What are the requirements for obtaining an exemption for gasoline used for research, development or testing purposes?
What requirements apply to gasoline for use in American Samoa, Guam and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands?

Violation Provisions

What acts are prohibited under the gasoline sulfur program?
What evidence may be used to determine compliance with the prohibitions and requirements of this subpart and liability for violations of this subpart?
Who is liable for violations under the gasoline sulfur program?
What defenses apply to persons deemed liable for a violation of a prohibited act?
What penalties apply under this subpart?

Provisions for Foreign Refiners With Individual Sulfur Baselines

What are the additional requirements for gasoline produced at foreign refineries having individual small refiner sulfur baselines, foreign refineries granted temporary relief under §80.270, or baselines for generating credits during 2000 through 2003?

Attest Engagements

What are the attest engagement requirements for gasoline sulfur compliance applicable to refiners and importers?


General Information

What are the implementation dates for the motor vehicle diesel fuel sulfur control program?
What fuel is subject to the provisions of this subpart?
What definitions apply for purposes of this subpart?
What are the standards and marker requirements for refiners and importers for NRLM diesel fuel and ECA marine fuel?
What are the per-gallon and marker requirements that apply to NRLM diesel fuel, ECA marine fuel, and heating oil downstream of the refiner or importer?
May an importer treat diesel fuel as blendstock?
What provisions apply to transmix processing facilities and pipelines that produce diesel fuel from pipeline interface?

Motor Vehicle Diesel Fuel Standards and Requirements

What are the standards and dye requirements for motor vehicle diesel fuel?
What are the standards and identification requirements for diesel fuel additives?
May used motor oil be dispensed into diesel motor vehicles or nonroad diesel engines?
What sulfur content standard applies to motor vehicle diesel fuel downstream of the refinery or importer?
What requirements apply to kerosene blenders?
Under what conditions may motor vehicle diesel fuel subject to the 15 ppm sulfur standard be downgraded to motor vehicle diesel fuel subject to the 500 ppm sulfur standard?

Temporary Compliance Option

Under what conditions can 500 ppm motor vehicle diesel fuel be produced or imported after May 31, 2006?
How are motor vehicle diesel fuel credits generated?
How are motor vehicle diesel fuel credits used and transferred?
How does a refiner or importer apply for a motor vehicle or non-highway baseline for the generation of NRLM credits or the use of the NRLM small refiner compliance options?
How are NRLM diesel fuel credits generated?
How are NRLM diesel fuel credits used and transferred?

Geographic Phase-In Provisions

How may a refiner be approved to produce gasoline under the GPA gasoline sulfur standards in 2007 and 2008?

Small Refiner Hardship Provisions

What is the definition of a motor vehicle diesel fuel small refiner or a NRLM diesel fuel small refiner under this subpart?
How does a refiner obtain approval as a small refiner under this subpart?
What compliance options are available to motor vehicle diesel fuel small refiners?
Under what conditions may the small refiner gasoline sulfur standards be extended for a small refiner of motor vehicle diesel fuel?
What compliance options are available to NRLM diesel fuel small refiners?
What provisions are available to a large refiner that acquires a small refiner or one or more of its refineries?

Other Hardship Provisions

How can a refiner seek temporary relief from the requirements of this subpart in case of extreme hardship circumstances?
How can a refiner or importer seek temporary relief from the requirements of this subpart in case of extreme unforeseen circumstances?

Labeling Requirements

What labeling requirements apply to retailers and wholesale purchaser-consumers of diesel fuel beginning June 1, 2006?
What labeling requirements apply to retailers and wholesale purchaser-consumers of NRLM diesel fuel or heating oil beginning June 1, 2007?
What labeling requirements apply to retailers and wholesale purchaser-consumers of Motor Vehicle, NR, LM and NRLM diesel fuel and heating oil beginning June 1, 2010?
What labeling requirements apply to retailers and wholesale purchaser-consumers of NRLM diesel fuel and heating oil beginning June 1, 2012?
What labeling requirements apply to retailers and wholesale purchaser-consumers of ECA marine fuel beginning June 1, 2014?

Sampling and Testing

What are the sampling and testing methods for sulfur?
What are the batch testing and sample retention requirements for motor vehicle diesel fuel, NRLM diesel fuel, and ECA marine fuel?
What are the sampling and testing methods for the fuel marker?
What alternative sampling and testing requirements apply to importers who transport motor vehicle diesel fuel, NRLM diesel fuel, or ECA marine fuel by truck or rail car?
What are the precision and accuracy criteria for approval of test methods for determining the sulfur content of motor vehicle diesel fuel, NRLM diesel fuel, and ECA marine fuel?
What is the process for approval of a test method for determining the sulfur content of diesel or ECA marine fuel?
What are the record retention requirements for test methods approved under this subpart?

Recordkeeping and Reporting Requirements

What are the product transfer document requirements for motor vehicle diesel fuel, NRLM diesel fuel, heating oil, ECA marine fuel, and other distillates?
What are the product transfer document requirements for additives to be used in diesel fuel?
What records must be kept by entities in the motor vehicle diesel fuel and diesel fuel additive distribution systems?
What are the reporting requirements for refiners and importers of motor vehicle diesel fuel subject to temporary refiner relief standards?
What are the pre-compliance reporting requirements for motor vehicle diesel fuel?
How does a small or GPA refiner apply for a motor vehicle diesel fuel volume baseline for the purpose of extending their gasoline sulfur standards?
How is a refinery motor vehicle diesel fuel volume baseline calculated?
What are the registration requirements?
What are the designation requirements for refiners, importers, and distributors?
How do I calculate volume balances for designation purposes?
What records must be kept for purposes of the designate and track provisions?
What are the reporting requirements for purposes of the designate and track provisions?
What records must be kept by entities in the NRLM diesel fuel, ECA marine fuel, and diesel fuel additive production, importation, and distribution systems?
What are the pre-compliance reporting requirements for NRLM diesel fuel?
What are the annual reporting requirements for refiners and importers of NRLM diesel fuel?


What national security exemption applies to fuels covered under this subpart?
What are the requirements for obtaining an exemption for diesel fuel used for research, development or testing purposes?
What requirements apply to diesel fuel and ECA marine fuel for use in the Territories?

Violation Provisions

What acts are prohibited under the diesel fuel sulfur program?
What evidence may be used to determine compliance with the prohibitions and requirements of this subpart and liability for violations of this subpart?
Who is liable for violations of this subpart?
What defenses apply to persons deemed liable for a violation of a prohibited act under this subpart?
What are the alternative defense requirements in lieu of §80.613(a)(1)(vi)?
What penalties apply under this subpart?
What are the enforcement exemptions for California diesel distributed within the State of California?
How may California diesel fuel be distributed or sold outside of the State of California?

Provisions for Foreign Refiners and Importers for Motor Vehicle Diesel Fuel Subject to a Temporary Compliance Option or Hardship Provision

What are the additional requirements for diesel fuel or distillates produced by foreign refineries subject to a temporary refiner compliance option, hardship provisions, or motor vehicle or NRLM diesel fuel credit provisions?


General Information

Who shall register with EPA under the gasoline toxics program?

Gasoline Toxics Performance Requirements

What are the gasoline toxics performance requirements for refiners and importers?
What gasoline is subject to the toxics performance requirements of this subpart?
How is the refinery or importer annual average toxics value determined?
What requirements apply to oxygenate blenders?
What requirements apply to butane blenders?
What requirements apply to transmix processors?
What requirements apply to California gasoline?
How is the compliance baseline determined?
What is the compliance baseline for refineries or importers with insufficient data?

Baseline Determination

How does a refiner or importer apply for a toxics baseline?
How are the baseline toxics value and baseline toxics volume determined?

Recordkeeping and Reporting Requirements

What records shall be kept?
What are the toxics reporting requirements?


What if a refiner or importer is unable to produce gasoline conforming to the requirements of this subpart?
What are the requirements for obtaining an exemption for gasoline used for research, development or testing purposes?

Violation Provisions

What acts are prohibited under the gasoline toxics program?
Who is liable for violations under the gasoline toxics program?
What penalties apply under this subpart?

Provisions for Foreign Refiners With Individual Toxics Baselines

What are the requirements for gasoline produced at foreign refineries having individual refiner toxics baselines?

Attest Engagements

What are the attest engagement requirements for gasoline toxics compliance applicable to refiners and importers?

Additional Rulemaking

What additional rulemaking will EPA conduct?


How is the statutory default requirement for 2006 implemented?
What are the implementation dates for the Renewable Fuel Standard Program?
What is the Renewable Fuel Standard?
To whom does the Renewable Volume Obligation apply?
How is the Renewable Volume Obligation calculated?
How are equivalence values assigned to renewable fuel?
Renewable Identification Numbers (RINs).
How are RINs generated and assigned to batches of renewable fuel by renewable fuel producers or importers?
How are RINs used to demonstrate compliance?
General requirements for RIN distribution.
Requirements for separating RINs from volumes of renewable fuel.
Requirements for exporters of renewable fuels.
Treatment of invalid RINs.
Reported spillage or disposal of renewable fuel.
Small refinery exemption.
What are the provisions for small refiners under the RFS program?
What are the opt-in provisions for noncontiguous states and territories?
What are the registration requirements under the RFS program?
What are the recordkeeping requirements under the RFS program?
What are the reporting requirements under the RFS program?
What are the product transfer document (PTD) requirements for the RFS program?
What are the provisions for renewable fuel producers and importers who produce or import less than 10,000 gallons of renewable fuel per year?
What are the additional requirements for a producer of cellulosic biomass ethanol or waste derived ethanol?
What acts are prohibited under the RFS program?
Who is liable for violations under the RFS program?
What penalties apply under the RFS program?
What are the attest engagement requirements under the RFS program?
What are the additional requirements under this subpart for a foreign small refiner?
What are the additional requirements under this subpart for a foreign producer of cellulosic biomass ethanol or waste derived ethanol?
What are the additional requirements under this subpart for a foreign RIN owner?



General Information

What are the implementation dates for the gasoline benzene program?
Who must register with EPA under the gasoline benzene program?

Gasoline Benzene Requirements

What are the gasoline benzene requirements for refiners and importers?
What gasoline is subject to the benzene requirements of this subpart?
What requirements apply to California gasoline?
How is a refinery's or importer's average benzene concentration determined?
How is a refinery's or importer's compliance with the gasoline benzene requirements of this subpart determined?

Averaging, Banking and Trading (ABT) Program

Who may generate benzene credits under the ABT program?
How are early benzene credits generated?
How are refinery benzene baselines calculated?
How does a refiner apply for a benzene baseline?
How are standard benzene credits generated?
How are gasoline benzene credits used?

Hardship Provisions

What are the requirements for early compliance with the gasoline benzene program?
Can a refiner seek relief from the requirements of this subpart?
What if a refiner or importer cannot produce gasoline conforming to the requirements of this subpart?

Small Refiner Provisions

What criteria must be met to qualify as a small refiner for the gasoline benzene requirements of this subpart?
Who is not eligible for the provisions for small refiners?
How does a refiner obtain approval as a small refiner?
What compliance options are available to small refiners under this subpart?
What hardship relief provisions are available only to small refiners?
What provisions are available to a non-small refiner that acquires one or more of a small refiner's refineries?

Sampling, Testing and Retention Requirements

What are the sampling and testing requirements for refiners and importers?
What gasoline sample retention requirements apply to refiners and importers?
Alternative sampling and testing requirements for importers who import gasoline into the United States by truck.

Recordkeeping and Reporting Requirements

What records must be kept?
What are the pre-compliance reporting requirements for the gasoline benzene program?
What are the reporting requirements for the gasoline benzene program?

Attest Engagements

What are the attest engagement requirements for gasoline benzene compliance?

Violations and Penalties

What acts are prohibited under the gasoline benzene program?
What evidence may be used to determine compliance with the prohibitions and requirements of this subpart and liability for violations of this subpart?
Who is liable for violations under the gasoline benzene program?
What penalties apply under the gasoline benzene program?

Foreign Refiners

What are the additional requirements under this subpart for gasoline produced at foreign refineries?


Which fuels are not subject to the 20% GHG thresholds?
What are the Renewable Fuel Standards?
Who is an obligated party under the RFS program?
How are the Renewable Volume Obligations calculated?
How are equivalence values assigned to renewable fuel?
Petition process for evaluation of new renewable fuels pathways.
Renewable Identification Numbers (RINs).
How are RINs generated and assigned to batches of renewable fuel by renewable fuel producers or importers?
How are RINs used to demonstrate compliance?
General requirements for RIN distribution.
Requirements for separating RINs from volumes of renewable fuel.
Requirements for exporters of renewable fuels.
Treatment of invalid RINs.
Reported spillage or disposal of renewable fuel.
What are the provisions for blenders who handle and blend less than 250,000 gallons of renewable fuel per year?
Small refinery exemption.
What are the provisions for small refiners under the RFS program?
What are the opt-in provisions for noncontiguous states and territories?
What are the Production Outlook Report requirements?
What are the registration requirements under the RFS program?
What are the reporting requirements under the RFS program?
What are the requirements related to the EPA Moderated Transaction System (EMTS)?
What are the product transfer document (PTD) requirements for the RFS program?
What are the recordkeeping requirements under the RFS program?
What are the small volume provisions for renewable fuel production facilities and importers?
What are the provisions for cellulosic biofuel waiver credits?
Petition process for aggregate compliance approach for foreign countries.
What acts are prohibited under the RFS program?
Who is liable for violations under the RFS program?
What penalties apply under the RFS program?
What are the attest engagement requirements under the RFS program?
What are the additional requirements under this subpart for foreign small refiners, foreign small refineries, and importers of RFS-FRFUEL?
What are the additional requirements under this subpart for RIN- generating foreign producers and importers of renewable fuels for which RINs have been generated by the foreign producer?
What are the additional requirements under this subpart for a foreign RIN owner?
Incorporation by reference.
Requirements for Quality Assurance Plans.
RIN replacement mechanisms for Option A independent third party auditors.
Requirements for QAP auditors.
Requirements for quality assurance audits.
Affirmative defenses.
Replacement requirements for invalidly generated RINs.


What are the labeling requirements that apply to retailers and wholesale purchaser-consumers of gasoline-ethanol blends that contain greater than 10 volume percent ethanol and not more than 15 volume percent ethanol?
What are the survey requirements related to gasoline-ethanol blends?
What are the product transfer document requirements for gasoline-ethanol blends, gasolines, and conventional blendstocks for oxygenate blending subject to this subpart?
What acts are prohibited under this subpart?
Who is liable for violations of this subpart?
What penalties apply under this subpart?
What are the defenses for acts prohibited under this subpart?
What evidence may be used to determine compliance with the requirements of this subpart and liability for violations of this subpart?
Rounding a test result for purposes of this subpart N.


Additional definitions for subpart O.
Fuels subject to the provisions of this subpart.
Gasoline sulfur standards for refiners and importers.
Gasoline sulfur standards and requirements for parties downstream of refiners and importers.
Deficit carryforward for refiners and importers.
Gasoline sulfur standards and requirements for transmix processors and transmix blenders.
Oxygenate blender requirements.
Standards and requirements for producers and importers of denatured fuel ethanol and other oxygenates designated for use in transportation fuel.
Standards and requirements for certified ethanol denaturant.
Standards and other requirements for gasoline additive manufacturers and blenders.
Credit generation.
Credit use and transfer.
Small refiner definition.
Small volume refinery definition.
Approval for small refiner and small volume refinery status.
Hardship provisions.
Sampling and testing requirements for refiners, gasoline importers and producers and importers of certified ethanol denaturant.
Gasoline, RBOB, and CBOB sample retention requirements.
Standards and requirements that apply to refiners producing gasoline by blending blendstocks into previously certified gasoline (PCG).
Alternative sulfur standards and requirements that apply to importers who transport gasoline by truck.
Sampling and testing requirements for producers and importers of denatured fuel ethanol and other oxygenates for use by oxygenate blenders.
Sample retention requirements for oxygenate producers and importers.
Sampling and testing requirements for producers and importers of certified ethanol denaturant.
Sample retention requirements for producers and importers of certified ethanol denaturant.
Product transfer document requirements.
Reporting requirements for gasoline refiners, gasoline importers, oxygenate producers, and oxygenate importers.
California gasoline requirements.
National security exemption.
Exemptions for gasoline used for research, development, or testing purposes.
Requirements for gasoline for use in American Samoa, Guam, and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands.
Prohibited acts.
What evidence may be used to determine compliance with the prohibitions and requirements of this subpart and liability for violations of this subpart?
Liability for violations.
Defenses for a violation of a prohibited act.
Additional requirements for foreign small refiners and foreign small volume refineries.
Attest engagement requirements.
Appendix A to Part 80—Test for the Determination of Phosphorus in Gasoline
Appendix B to Part 80—Test Methods for Lead in Gasoline
Appendixes C-G to Part 80 [Reserved]

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