Fish and Aquatic Conservation

Imperiled Species

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Pallid and spindly, eyeless and other-worldly, the Texas blind salamander typifies the scores of animals and plants benefitting from the conservation work conducted at National Fish Hatcheries. The salamander had a limited existence in the wild: underwater caves in Central Texas. In captivity, scientists learn about its life requirements and how to improve its lot in the wild. Similarly, rare mussels, threatened trout, endangered darters, sturgeon that need a lift, and toads and plants across the country—all with some natural obligatory need for aquatic habitat—benefit from the conservation capabilities of scientists in our employ.


pallid sturgeon   divider winged mapleleaf mussel   divider wyoming toad

Now in its tenth year of raising pallid sturgeon, Neosho National Fish Hatchery continues to increase its production from wild-caught fish, both by refining culture techniques and increasing the amount of tank space.


Higgins eye pearlymussel and the winged mapleleaf mussel now exist on the fringe of their former range: and at Genoa National Fish Hatchery in Wisconsin.




Saratoga National Fish Hatchery holds a captive population of an endangered amphibian, the Wyoming toad, found only in a 30-square-mile area in the wild.The captive population is there to stave off extinction and for scientists to learn more about the rare animal.

Last updated: September 14, 2015