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About the Bay Program

The Chesapeake Bay Program is a unique regional partnership that has led and directed the restoration of the Chesapeake Bay since 1983. The Chesapeake Bay Program partners include the states of Maryland, Pennsylvania, Delaware, New York, West Virginia and Virginia; the District of Columbia; the Chesapeake Bay Commission, a tri-state legislative body; the Environmental Protection Agency, representing the federal government; and participating citizen advisory groups. For more, visit our overview of the Chesapeake Bay Program.

Who We Are

The Chesapeake Bay Program is a regional partnership that leads and directs Chesapeake Bay restoration and protection. Bay Program partners include federal and state agencies, local governments, non-profit organizations and academic institutions. Staff members work at the Bay Program's Annapolis, Maryland, office and at partner organizations throughout the Bay watershed.

Nicholas DiPasquale, Director
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Nick has nearly 30 years of public policy and environmental management experience in both the public and private sectors. He previously served as Deputy Secretary in the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection, Director of the Environmental Management Center for the Brandywine Conservancy in Chadds Ford, Pennsylvania and as Secretary of the Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control.

How We Work

The Chesapeake Bay Program is a unique regional partnership that brings together leaders and experts from a vast range of agencies and organizations. Each Bay Program partner uses its own resources to implement Bay restoration and protection activities. Partners work together through the Bay Program’s goal teams, workgroups and committees to collaborate, share information and set goals.

  • Bay Program History

    Bay Program History

    Since the Chesapeake Bay Program’s formation in 1983, several written agreements have guided the partnership’s pollution reduction and ecosystem restoration efforts.

  • Adaptive Management

    Adaptive Management

    Adaptive management is an ongoing, science-based process through which the Chesapeake Bay Program plans, implements and evaluates its restoration efforts.

  • Partnerships


    The Chesapeake Bay Program was built upon the idea of collaboration. The Bay Program partnership brings together leaders and experts to achieve a shared vision of a restored Bay.

  • Funding and Financing

    Funding and Financing

    The Bay Program partnership engages dozens of agencies and organizations in Bay restoration. Partners include federal and state agencies, non-profit organizations and academic institutions.

  • Accomplishments


    The Chesapeake Bay Program has made significant accomplishments since its formation, becoming a regional, national and international leader in ecosystem science, modeling and restoration partnerships.

How We’re Organized

The Chesapeake Bay Program is organized into committees, goal implementation teams, workgroups and action teams.

An org chart

Click the image to view our dynamic organization chart.


  • ChesapeakeStat


    A tool to assess progress and enhance accountability and transparency.

  • Chesapeake Bay TMDL

    Chesapeake Bay TMDL

    The EPA established a "pollution diet" to reduce nutrients and sediment in the Bay.

  • Bay Executive Order

    Bay Executive Order

    Calls on the federal government to lead a renewed effort to restore the Bay.

  • Maryland BayStat

    Maryland BayStat

    A powerful statewide tool designed to assess and coordinate Bay restoration.

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410 Severn Avenue / Suite 112
Annapolis, Maryland 21403
Tel: (800) YOUR-BAY / Fax: (410) 267-5777
Directions to the Bay Program Office
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