San Marcos Aquatic Resources Center
Southwest Region

Research Publications

Links to websites with online versions of research in which our staff has participated, containing permission and citation information, have been provided where available.

Some sites may require membership, subscription, or a fee to access the full article.


Huston, D.C. and R. Gibson. 2015. Underwater Pupation by the Comal Springs Riffle Beetle, Heterelmis Comalensis Bosse, Tuff, and Brown, 1988 (Coleoptera: Elmidae), with an Update on Culture Techniques. The Coleopterists Bulletin 69(3): 521-524.


Echo-Hawk, P. D., F. M. Oxley, P. S. Williamson, V. Cantu, and K. Ostrand. 2014. Integrated Management of an Invasive Macrophyte. Journal Of Aquatic Plant Management 52:97-101.

Huston, D.C., M.D. Worsham, D.G. Huffman, K.G. Ostrand. 2014. Infection of fishes, including threatened and endangered species by the trematode parasite Haplorchis pumilio (Looss, 1896) (Trematoda: Heterophyidae). Bioinvasions Records 3(3):189-194.

Huston, D.C., V. Cantu, and D.G. Huffman. 2014. Experimental Exposure of Adult San Marcos Salamanders and Larval Leopard Frogs to the Cercariae of Centrocestus formosanus. Journal of Parasitology 100(2):239-241.

McDermott, K. S., T. L. Arsuffi, T. M. Brandt, D. C. Huston, and K. G. Ostrand. 2014. Distribution and occurrence of the exotic digenetic trematode (Centrocestus formosanus), its exotic snail intermediate host (Melanoides tuberculatus), and rates of infection of fish in springs systems in western Texas. Southwestern Naturalist 59(2):212-220.


Alarie, Y., J. R. Gibson, and K. B. Miller. 2013.  Descriptions of larvae of the North American endemic stygobiontic Ereboporus naturaconservatus Miller, Gibson & Alarie and Haideoporus texanus Young & Longley (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae). Tijdschrift voor Entomologie 156:1-10.

Cantu, V., T. M. Brandt, and T. L. Arsuffi. 2013. An evaluation of three sampling methods to monitor a digenetic trematode Centrocestus formosanus in a spring-fed ecosystem. Parasitology 140(7):814-820.

Dammeyer, N., C.T. Phillips, and T.H. Bonner. 2013. Site Fidelity and Movement of Etheostoma fonticola with Implications to Endangered Species Management. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 142:1049-1057.

Ethridge, J. Z., J. R. Gibson, and C. C. Nice. 2013. Cryptic diversity within and among spring-associated Stygobromus amphipods (Amphipoda: Crangonyctidae). Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 167(2):227-242.

Fries, J.N., and J.R. Gibson. 2013. Effects of Temperature on Captive-Bred Devils River Minnows. Southwestern Naturalist 58(3):330-334.

Gabor, C. R., J. Bosch, J. N. Fries, and D. R. Davis. 2013. A non-invasive water-borne hormone assay for amphibians. Amphibia-Reptilia 34(2):151-162.

Hanson, K., K. Ostrand. 2013. Evaluation of Transmitter Application Techniques for Use in Research of Adult Eulachon. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 33(6):1119-1124.

Hutchinson, J.T., and R.B. Shaw. 2013. Range expansion of Panicum repens (Poaceae) into central Texas may threaten endangered species. Journal of the Botanical Research Institute of Texas 7(2):901-904.

Hutchinson, J.T., and C. Williams. 2013. Hygrophila corymbosa – A “Rare” But Potentially Invasive Plant from San Felipe Springs, Del Rio, Texas. Aquatics Magazine 35(2):14-18.

Ingersoll, C.G., E. L. Brunson, D. K. Hardesty, J. P. Hughes, B. L. King, and C. T. Phillips. 2013. Use of Lethal Short-Term Chlorine Exposures to Limit Release of Nonnative Freshwater Organisms. North American Journal of Aquaculture 75(4):487-494.

Miler, K., A. Jean, Y. Alarie, N. Hardy, and R. Gibson. 2013. Phylogenetic placement of North American subterranean diving beetles (Insecta: Coleoptera: Dytiscidae). Arthropod Systematics & Phylogeny 71(2):75-90.

Ryan, R.A., A.N. Kohl, D.J. Soucek, T.S. Smith, T.M. Brandt, T.H. Bonner, and D.M. Cropek. 2013. Short-Term Effects of Military Fog Oil on the Fountain Darter (Etheostoma fonticola). Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 65(4):790-797.


Alexander, M.L., and C.T. Phillips. 2012. Habitat used by the endangered fountain darter (Etheostoma fonticola) in the San Marcos River, Hays County, Texas. Southwestern Naturalist 57(4):449-452.

Jean, A., N.D Telles, J.R. Gibson, D. Foley,and K.B Miller. 2012. Description of a new genus and species of stygobiontic diving beetle, Psychopomporus felipi Jean, Telles and Miller (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae: Hydroporinae), from the Edwards-Trinity aquifer system of Texas, USA. The Coleopterists Bulletin 66(2)105-110.

Johnson, M.S., A. Bolick, M. Alexander, D. Huffman, E. Oborny, and A. Monroe. 2012. Fluctuations in Densities of the Invasive Gill Parasite Centrocestus formosanus (Trematoda: Heterophyidae) in the Comal River, Comal County, Texas, U.S.A.. Journal of Parasitology 98(1):111-116.

Johnson, M. S., P. D. Caccavale, C. R.Randklev, and J. R. Gibson. 2012. Research Note: New and confirmed fish hosts for the threatened freshwater mussel Lampsilis bracteata (Gould, 1855), the Texas Fatmucket (Bivalvia: Unionidae). The Nautilus 126(4):148-149.

Kollaus, K.A. and T.H. Bonner. 2012. Habitat associations of a semi-arid fish community in a karst spring-fed stream. Journal of Arid Environments 76:72-79.


Fleming, P.B., D.G. Huffman, T.H. Bonner & T.M. Brandt. 2011. Metacercarial Distribution of Centrocestus formosanus among Fish Hosts in the Guadalupe River Drainage of Texas. Journal of Aquatic Animal Health, 23:3, 117-124.

Kulkoyluoglu, O., R. Gibson, P.H. Diaz, and J-P. Colin. 2011. Bicornucandona gen. nov., sp. nov. (Crustacea, Ostracoda) from Finegan Springs (Texas, U.S.A.). Zootaxa 3059:47-58.

Philips, C.T., J.R. Gibson and J.N. Fries. 2011. Spawning behavior and nest association by Dionda diaboli in the Devils River, Texas. Southwestern Naturalist 56(1):108-112.

Phillips, C.T., M.L. Alexander & A.M. Gonzales. 2011. Use of Macrophytes for Egg Deposition by the Endangered Fountain Darter. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society, 140:5, 1392-1397.


Carson, E.W., A. Hanna, G.P. Garrett, J.R. Gibson, and J.R. Gold. 2010. Conservation genetics of cyprind fishes (genus Dionda) in southwestern North America. II. Expansion of the known range of manantial roundnose minnow, Dionda argentosa. Southwestern Naturalist 55(4):576-581.

Diaz, P.H. and M.L. Alexander. 2010. Aquatic Macroinvertebrates of a Spring-Fed Ecosystem in Hays County, Texas, USA. Entomological News 121(5):478-486.

Fries, J.N., and J.R. Gibson. 2010. Critical thermal maxima of captive-bred Devils River minnows (Dionda diaboli). Southwestern Naturalist. 55(4):544-550.

Phillips C. T., M. L. Alexander, and R. H. Howard. 2010. Consumption of eggs of the Endangered Fountain Darter (Etheostoma fonticola) by Native and Nonnative Snails. The Southwestern Naturalist 55 (1): 115-117.  

Thaker, M., J. Fries, K. Epp, and C. Gabor. 2010. Cohabitation patterns of the San Marcos salamander (Eurycea nana) Amphibia-Reptilia 31:503-508.

Xu, X., C. Walters, M.F. Antolin, M.L. Alexander, S. Lutz, S. Ge, and J. Wen. 2010. Phylogeny and biogeogaphy of the eastern Asian-North American disjunct wild-rice genus (Zizania L. Poaceae). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 55:1008-1017.


Cantu V., J. N. Fries, and T. A. Ryan. 2009. An Apparatus for Separating Live Amphipods from Debris. North American Journal of Aquaculture 71: 6-9.

Lucas L. K., J. N. Fries, C. R. Gabor, and C. C. Nice. 2009. Genetic Variation and Structure in Eurycea nana, a Federally Threatened Salamander Endemic to the San Marcos Springs. Journal of Herpetology 43(2): 220-227.

Miller, K. B., J. R. Gibson and Y. Alarie. 2009. North American Stygobiontic Diving Beetles (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae: Hydroprinae) with Description of Ereboporus naturaconservatus Miller, Gibson and Alarie, New Genus and Species, from Texas, U.S.A.

Mitchell, A. J. and T. M. Brandt. 2009. Use of Ice-water and Salt Treatments to Eliminate an Exotic Snail, the Red-Rim Melania, from Small Immersible Fisheries Equipment. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 29: 823-829.

Phillips, C.T. and Fries, J. N. 2009. An Evaluation of Visible Implant Elastomer for Marking the Federally Listed Fountain Darter and the San Marcos Salamander. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 29: 529-532.

Phillips, C. T., J. R. Gibson, and J. N. Fries. 2009. Agonistic and Courtship Behaviors in Dionda diaboli, the Devils River Minnow. Southwestern Naturalist 54(3): 341-344.


Alexander M. L.  2008. Seed Germination Response of Zizania texana (Poaceae Oryzae) to Soil Inundation.  Journal of the Botanical Research Institute of Texas 2(1):673-676.

Alexander M.L., R.D. Doyle and P. Power. 2008. Suction Dredge Removal of an Invasive Macrophyte From a Spring-fed River in Central Texas, USA. Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 46: 184-185.

Epp, K. J. and C. R. Gabor 2008. Innate and Learned Predator Recognition Mediated by Chemical Signals in Eurycea nana. Ethology 114: 607-615.

Gibson J. R., S. J. Harden, and J. N. Fries.  2008.  Survey and Distribution of Invertebrates from Selected Springs of the Edwards Aquifer in Comal and Hays Counties, Texas. The Southwestern Naturalist 53(1):74-84.

Oxley F. M., A. Echlin, P. Power, L. Tolley-Jordan and M.L. Alexander.  2008. Travel of Pollen in Experimental Raceways in the Endangered Texas Wild Rice (Zizania texana). Southwestern Naturalist 53(2):169-174.

Tolley-Jordan L. R., and J. M. Owen.  2008.  Habitat Influences Snail Community Structure and Trematode Infection Levels in a Spring-fed River, Texas, USA. Hydrobiologia 600:29-40.


Hulbert J., T. H. Bonner, J. N. Fries, G. P. Garrett, and D. R. Pendergrass.  2007.  Early Development of the Devils River minnow, Dionda diaboli (Cyprinidae). The Southwestern Naturalist 52(3):378-385.

McDonald D. L., T. H. Bonner, E. L. Oborny, and T. M. Brandt.  2007.  Effects of Fluctuating Temperatures and Gill Parasites on Reproduction of the Fountain Darter, Etheostoma fonticola.  Journal of Freshwater Ecology 22 (2):311-318.

Mitchell A. J., M. S. Hobbs, and T. M. Brandt.  2007.  The Effect of Chemical Treatments on Red-Rim Melania Melanoides tuberculata, an Exotic Aquatic Snail that Serves as a Vector of Trematodes to Fish and Other Species in the USA.  North American Journal of Fisheries Management 27:1287-1293.

Najvar P. A., J. N. Fries, and J. T. Baccus.  2007.  Fecundity of San Marcos Salamanders in Captivity. The Southwestern Naturalist 52(1):148-150.

Simmons, M. T., S. Windhager, P. Power, J.Lott, R.K. Lyons, and C. Schwope. 2007. Selective and non-selective control of invasive plants: The short-term effects of growing-season prescribed fire, herbicide, and mowing in two Texas prairies. Restoration Ecology 15(4)662-669.

Tolley-Jordan, L. R and P. Power.  2007.  Effects of Water Temperature on Growth of the Federally Endangered Texas Wild rice (Zizania texana).  The Southwestern Naturalist 52(2):201-208.


McDonald, D. L., T. H. Bonner, T. M. Brandt and G. H. Trevino. 2006. Size Susceptibility to Trematode-Induced Mortality in the Endangered Fountain Darter (Etheostoma fonticola). Journal of Freshwater Ecology 21(2): 293-299.

Thaker, Maria, C.R. Gabor, J. N. Fries. 2006.  Sensory Cues for Conspecific Associations in Aquatic San Marcos Salamanders.  Herpetologica, 62(2), 151-155.


Gibson, J. R. and J. N. Fries.  2005.  Culture Studies of the Devils River Minnow.  North American Journal of Aquaculture 67:294-303.

Mitchell, A. J., T. M. Brandt.  2005.  Temperature Tolerance of Red-Rim Melania Melanoides tuberculatus, an Exotic Aquatic Snail Established in the United States.  Transaction of the American Fisheries Society 134:26-131.

Mitchell, A. J., R. M. Overstreet, Goodwin A. E., Brandt, T. M.  2005.  Spread of an Exotic Fish-Gill Trematode:  A far-Reaching and Complex Problem.  Fisheries, Vol 30, No. 8 August.


Gibson, J. R., J. N. Fries, G.P. Garrett. 2004.  Habitat and Substrate Use in Reproduction of Captive Devils River Minnows. North American Journal of Aquaculture 66:42-47.

Labay, A. A. K. Collins, R. W. Standage, T. M. Brandt.  2004. Gut Content of First-Feeding Wild  Darters and Captive-Reared Dusky Darters. North American Journal of Aquaculture 66:153-157.  

Labay, A. A., R. W. Standage, T. M. Brandt. 2004. Selected Methods for Dusky Darter Captive Propagation.  North American Journal of Aquaculture 66:146-152. 

Power, P. and F.M Oxely. 2004. Assessment of Factors Influencing Texas Wild Rice (Zizania texana) Sexual and Asexual Reproduction. 2004 Final Report prepared for the Edwards Aquifer Authority, San Antonio, Texas.

Power, P. and R. D. Doyle. 2004. Carbon Use by the Endangered Texas Wild Rice (Zizania texana, Poaceae).  SIDA, Contributions to Botony 21(1):389-398.


Fries, J. N. 2003. Possible Reproduction of the Comal Springs Riffle Beetle, Heterelmis comalensis (Coleoptera: Elimidae), in Captivity. Entomological News 114(1):7-9.


Fries, Joe N. 2002. Upwelling Flow Velocity Preferences of Captive Adult San Marcos Salamanders. North American Journal of Aquaculture 64:113-116.

Power, P.  2002.  Resource Allocation Patterns and Phenotypic Variation in the Endangered Texas Wildrice (Zizania texana, Poaceae).  SIDA, Contributions to Botony 20(2):571-582.

Mitchell, A. J., A. E. Goodwin, M. J. Salmon, T.M. Brandt. 2002. Experimental Infections of an Exotic Heterophyid Trematode, Centrocestus formosanus, in Four Aquaculture Fishes. North American Journal of Aquaculture 64:55-59.

Walters, C., D.H. Toucherl, P. Power, J. Wesley-Smith, and M.F. Antolin.  2002.  A Cryoperservation Protocol for Embryos of the Endangered Species Zizania texana. Cryoletters 23(5):291-298.


Fries, J. N. 2001. Retention of Coded Wire Tags in Four Locations in Juvenile Paddlefish. North American Journal of Fisheries and Management 21:962-966.


Mitchell, A. J., M. J. Salmon, D. G. Huffman, A. E. Goodwin, T.M. Brandt.  2000.  Prevalence  and Pathogenicity of a Heterophyid Trematode Infecting the Gills of an Endangered Fish, the Fountain Darter, in Two Central Texas Spring-Fed Rivers.  Journal of Aquatic Animal Health. 12:283-289.

U.S. Fish & Wildlife.  Exotic Snail and Associated Exotic Parasites Affecting Fishes and Waterfowl in Texas.


Fries, J. N., and P. Power.  1999.  Occurrence of an aquatic lepidopteran (Parapoynx obsculralis, Pyralidae) on cultured Texas Wildrice (Zizania texana, Poaceae) . Southwestern Naturalist 44(2):213-214.


Anderson, K. A., P. M. Rosenblum, B. G. Whiteside, R. W. Standage, and T. M. Brandt.  1998.  Controlled spawning of longnose darters.  Progressive Fish-Culturist 60:137-145.

Bonner, T. H., T. M. Brandt, J. N. Fries, and B. G. Whiteside.  1998.  Effects of temperature on egg production and early life stages of the fountain darter. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 127(6):971-978.


Berkhouse, C. S., and J. N. Fries, 1995.  Critical thermal maxima of juvenile and adult San Marcos salamanders.  The Southwestern Naturalist 40(4):430-434.

Berkhouse, C. S., and J. N. Fries, 1995.  The critical thermal maximum of San Marcos salamanders.  National Biological Service Information Bulletin No. 46.

Simon, T. P., T. M. Brandt, K. G. Graves, and B. G. Whiteside.  1995.  Ontogeny and description of eggs, larvae, and early juveniles of the fountain darter, Etheostoma fonticola.  The Southwestern Naturalist 40(2):208-215.


Anderson, R. O.  1994.  Apparent problems and potential solutions for production of fingerling striped bass, Morone saxatilis.  Journal of Applied Aquaculture 2(3/4):101-118.

Anderson, R. O.  1994.  Effects of organic and chemical fertilizers and biological control of problem organisms on production of fingerling striped bass, Morone saxatilis.  Journal of Applied Aquaculture 2(3/4):119-149.

Anderson, R. O.  1994.  New approaches for management of fertilized hatchery ponds.  Journal of Applied Aquaculture  2(3/4):1-8.

Barkoh, A., R. O. Anderson, and C. F. Rabeni.  1994. Effects of pond volume manipulation on production of fingerling largemouth bass, Micropterus salmoides.  Journal of Applied Aquaculture 2(3/4):151-170.

Berkhouse, C. S., and J. N. Fries.  1994.  Advanced fingerling production of largemouth bass on pelleted feed.  Project Report.

Fries, J. N.  1994.  SAMCALC:  A computer program for fish culturists.  Progressive Fish-Culturist 56:62-62.

Labay, A. A., and T. M. Brandt.   1994.   Predation by Cyclops vernalis on Florida largemouth bass and fountain darter larvae.  Progressive Fish-Culturist 56:37-39.

Ramos, K. T., L. T. Fries, C. S. Berkhouse, and J. N. Fries.  1994.  Apparent sunburn of juvenile paddlefish.  Progressive Fish-Culturist 56:214-216.

Rosenblum, P. M., T. M. Brandt, K. B. Mayes, and P. Hutson.  1994.  Annual cycles of growth and reproduction in hatchery-reared Florida largemouth bass, Micropterus salmoides floridanus, raised on forage or pelleted diets.  Journal of Fish Biology 44:1045-1059.


Brandt, T. M., K. G. Graves, C. S. Berkhouse, T. P. Simon, and B. G. Whiteside.  1993.  Laboratory spawning and rearing of the endangered fountain darter.  Progressive Fish-Culturist 55:149-156.

Fries, J. N., C. S. Berkhouse, J. C. Morrow, and G. J. Carmichael.  1993.  Evaluation of an aeration system in a loaded fish-hauling tank.  Progressive Fish-Culturist 55:187-190.

Mayes, K. B., P. M. Rosenblum, and T. M. Brandt.  1993.  Raceway spawning of florida largemouth bass:  Effects of acclimation time and hormone treatment on spawning success.  Progressive Fish-Culturist 55:1-8.

Seawell, W. M., M. Ulibarri, and L. Strobeck.  1993.  Observations on use of a chemical pond sealant at Uvalde National Fish Hatchery, Texas.  San Marcos Information Leaflet Number 93-02.

Seawell, W. M., M. Ulibarri, and L. Strobeck.  1993.  Test of wire placement to exclude cormorants from ponds containing channel catfish over the winter at Uvalde National Fish Hatchery, Texas.  San Marcos Information Leaflet Number 93-01.


Carmichael, G. J., R. M. Jones, and J. C. Morrow.  1992.  Comparative efficacy of oxygen diffusers in a fish-hauling Tank.  Progressive Fish-Culturist 54:35-40.

Fries, J. N.  1992.  SAMCALC:  A computer program for fish culturists.  San Marcos Information Leaflet Number 92-03.

Fries, J. N.  1992.  The zebra mussel invasion:  A Texas connection?  Annual Proceedings of the Texas Chapter of the American Fisheries Society 15:14-25.

Fries, J. N., and C. S. Berkhouse.  1992.  The zebra mussel invasion:  A summary for Region 2 field stations.  San Marcos Information Leaflet Number 92-02.

Fries, J. N, C. S. Berkhouse, J. C. Morrow, and G. J. Carmichael.  1992.  Aeration efficiency and water quality in a 2,650-L (700-gal) fish-hauling tank.  San Marcos Information Leaflet Number 92-01.

Whiteside, B. G., and C. Berkhouse.  1992.  Some new collection locations for six species.  The Texas Journal of Science 44(4):494.


Fries, J. N., A. H. Fanning, and C. A. Lemm.  1991.  Length-weight tables for striped bass Morone saxatilis.  San Marcos Information Leaflet Number 91-01.


Kleinsasser, L.J., J.H. Williamson & B. G. Whiteside. 1990. Growth and Catchability of Northern, Florida, and F, Hybrid Largemouth Bass in Texas Ponds. North American Journal of Fisheries Management, 10:4, 462-468.

Springer, T. A., B. R. Murphy, S. Gutreuter, R. O. Anderson, L. E. Miranda, D. C. Jackson, and R. S. Cone.  1990.  Properties of relative weight and other condition indices.  Transactions of the American  Fisheries Society 119:1048-1058.

Williamson, J. H., and G. J. Carmichael.  1990.  An aquacultural evaluation of Florida, northern, and hybrid largemouth bass, Micropterus salmoides.  Aquaculture 85:247-257.


Anderson, R. O.  1989.  Experimental methods to control problem organisms in pond culture.  Anal Fin V12 N1.

Anderson, R. O., J. N. Fries, W. M. Seawell, J. J. Maxwell, and T. A. Mayeux.  1989.  Production of striped bass in aerated and conventionally managed ponds.  Project Report.

Anderson, R. O. , W. M. Seawell, J. N. Fries, and K. L. Davenport.  1989.  Production of phase-I striped bass in ponds filled before and filled slowly after stocking.  Project Report.

Anderson, R. O., W. M. Seawell, J. N. Fries, L. D. Wright, M. Lake, G. L. Looney, J. S. Hawkinson, and P. Keys.  1989.  Relationships between age stocked, swim-bladder inflation and survival of phase-I striped bass; management and production at McKinney Lake and Warm Springs National Fish Hatcheries.  Project Report.


Carmichael, G. J., and J. R. Tomasso.  1988.  Communications: Survey of fish transportation equipment and techniques.  Progressive Fish-Culturist 50:155-159.

Carmichael, G. J., J. H. Williamson, C. A. Caldwell-Woodward, and J. R. Tomasso.  1988.  Communications: Responses of northern, Florida, and hybrid largemouth bass to low temperature and low dissolved oxygen.  Progressive Fish-Culturist 50:225-231.

Graves, K. G. and J. C. Morrow.  1988.  Method for harvesting large quantities of zooplankton from hatchery ponds.  Progressive Fish-Culturist 50:184-186.

Graves, K. G., and J. C. Morrow.  1988.  Technical Notes: Tube sampler for zooplankton.  Progressive Fish-Culturist 50:182-183.

Wise, David J., and J. R. Tomasso, and T. M. Brandt.  1988.  Ascorbic  acid inhibition of nitrite-induced methemoglobinemia in channel catfish.  Progressive Fish-Culturist 50:77-80.


Brandt, T. M.  1987.  Feeding largemouth bass.  Aquaculture Magazine 13(4):63-64. 

Brandt, T. M., and S. A. Flickinger.  1987.  Feeding largemouth bass during cool and cold weather.  Progressive Fish-Culturist  49:286-290.

Brandt, T. M., R. M. Jones, Jr., and R. J. Anderson.  1987.  Evaluation of prepared feeds and attractants for largemouth bass fry.  Progressive Fish-Culturist 49:198-203.

Brandt, T. M. and J. C. Morrow.  1987.  Drain modifications and a crowding net for circular tanks.  Progressive Fish-Culturist 49:73-75.

Mazik, P. M., T. M. Brandt, and J. R. Tomasso.  1987.  Effects of dietary Vitamin C on growth, caudal fin development, and tolerance of aquaculture-related stressors in channel catfish.  Progressive Fish-Culturist 49:13-16.

Williamson, J. H.  1987.  Evaluation of wire nose tags for marking largemouth bass.  Progressive Fish-Culturist 49:156-158.


Brandt, T. M., R. M. Jones, Jr., and J. R. Koke.  1986.  Corneal cloudiness in transported largemouth bass.  Progressive Fish-Culturist 48:199-201.

Carmichael, G. J., and J. H. Williamson.  1986.  Intensive production of Guadalupe bass.  Progressive Fish-Culturist 48:133-136. 

Carmichael, G. J., J. H. Williamson, M. E. Schmidt, and D. C. Morizot.  1986.  Genetic marker identification in Largemouth bass with electrophoresis of low-risk tissues.  Transactions of the American  Fisheries Society 115:455-459.

Tomasso, J. R., and G. J. Carmichael.  1986.  Acute toxicity of ammonia, nitrite and nitrate to the Guadalupe bass Micropterus treculi.  Bulletin of Environmental Contaminants and Toxicology 36:866-870.

Williamson, J. H., and G. J. Carmichael.  1986.  Differential response to handling stress by Florida, northern, and hybrid largemouth bass.  Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 115:756-761.

Williamson, J. H., G. J. Carmichael, M. E. Schmidt, and D. C. Morizot.  1986.  New biochemical genetic markers for largemouth bass.  Transactions of the American  Fisheries Society 115:460-465.


Brandt, T. M., C. W. Deyoe, and P. A. Seib.  1985.  Alternate sources of Vitamin C for channel catfish.  Progressive Fish-Culturist 47:55-59.

Carmichael G. J., and J. R. Tomasso.  1985.  Guidelines for handling and hauling largemouth bass.  Texas Agricultural Extension Service, Texas Fish Farming Conference, College Station: 26-29.


Carmichael, G. J.  1984.  Long distance truck transport of intensively reared largemouth bass.  Progressive Fish-Culturist 46:111-115.

Carmichael, G. J., and J. R. Tomasso.  1984.  Swim bladder stress syndrome in largemouth bass.  Texas Journal of Science 35(4):315-321.

Carmichael, G. J., J. R. Tomasso, B. A. Simco, and K. B. Davis.  1984.  Confinement and water quality-induced stress in largemouth bass.  Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 113:767-77.

Carmichael, G. J., J. R. Tomasso, B. A. Simco, and K. B. Davis.  1984.  Characterization and alleviation of stress associated with hauling largemouth bass.  Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 113:778-785.


Carmichael, G. J.  1983.  Scale-number differences of central stonerollers incubated and reared at different temperatures.  Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 112:441-444.

Carmichael, G. J., and J. R. Tomasso.  1983.  Use of formalin to separate tadpoles from largemouth bass fingerlings after harvesting.  Progressive Fish-Culturist 45(2):105-106.

Carmichael, G. J., G. A. Wedemeyer, J. P. McCraren, and J. L. Millard.  1983.  Physiological effects of handling and hauling stress on smallmouth bass.  Progressive Fish-Culturist 45(2)110-113.

Williamson, J. H.  1983.  Comparing training success of two strains of largemouth bass.  Progressive Fish-Culturist 45:3-7.


Brandt, T. M.  1979.  Use of heat treated full-fat soybeans in channel catfish and golden shiner feeds.  Proceedings of the Fish Farming Conference and Annual Convention Catfish Farmers of Texas: 53-61.

Williamson, J. H.  1979.  Intensive production of advanced largemouth bass fingerlings.  Proceedings of the Fish Farming Conference and Annual Convention of the Catfish Farmers of Texas: 1-20.

Williamson, J. H.  1979.  Intensive production of advanced largemouth bass fingerlings:  A Review, 30 pp.


Inslee, T. D.  1978.  The culture of bluegill X green sunfish hybrids.  Project Completion Report, 17 pp.

McCraren, J. P., and R. M. Jones.  1978.  Suggested approach to computing and reporting loading densities for fish transport units.  Progressive Fish-Culturist 40(4):169.


Inslee, T. D.  1977.  Holding striped bass larvae in cages until swim-up.  Proceedings of the Annual Conference Southeastern Association of Game and Fish Commissioners 31:422-424.

Inslee, T. D.  1977.  A preliminary report on the control of pathogenic fungi in earthen culture ponds.  Proceedings of the Annual Conference Southeastern Association of Game and Fish Commissioners.

McCraren, J. P., and T. R. Phillips.  1977.  Effects of Masoten (Dylox) on plankton in earthen ponds.  Proceedings of the Annual Conference Southeastern Association Game and Fish Commissioners 31:441-448.

McCraren, J. P., J. L. Millard, and A. M. Woolven.  1977.  Masoten (Dylox) as a control for clam shrimp in hatchery production ponds.  Proceedings of the Annual Conference Southeast Association of Game and Fish Commissioners 31:329-331.

McCraren, J. P.  1977.  Marking largemouth and smallmouth bass with silver nitrate.  Project Completion Report, 5 pp.


McCraren, J. P.  1976.  Seven forms of parasite Henneguya affect catfish.  Commercial Fish Farming, 2(5):40-41.

McCraren, J. P., and J. L. Millard.  1976.  Current assessment of iodophors as egg disinfectants in warmwater fish culture.  Proceedings of the Annual Conference Southeastern Association of Game and Fish Commissioners.  (abstract only)


Brauhn, J. L., and J. P. McCraren.  1975.  Ovary maturation in channel catfish.  Progressive Fish-Culturist 37(4):209-212.

Inslee, T. D.  1975.  Increased production of smallmouth bass fry.  Pages 357-361 in H. Clepper, editor.  Black Bass Biology and Management.  Sport Fishing Institute, Washington, D.C.

McCraren, J. P.  1975.  Field techniques for biologists investigating fish kills.  Texas A&M Chapter, American Fisheries Society, 16 pp.

McCraren, J. P.  1975.  Feeding young bass.  Farm Pond Harvest 9(3):10-12.

McCraren, J. P., M. L. Landolt, G. L. Hoffman, and F. P. Meyer.  1975.  Variation in response of channel catfish to Henneguya sp. infections (Protozoa: Myxosporidia).  Journal of Wildlife Diseases 11(1):2-7.

Major, R. D., J. P. McCraren, and C. E. Smith.  1975.  Histopathological changes in channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) experimentally and naturally infected with channel catfish virus disease.  Journal of the Fisheries Research Board of Canada 32(4):563-567.


McCraren, J. P., and R. M. Jones.  1974.  Restoration of sock filters used to prevent entry of wildfish into ponds.  Progressive Fish-Culturist 36(4):222.


McCraren, J. P.  1973.  The channel catfish virus.  Farm Pond Harvest 7(1):20-21.

McCraren, J. P.  1973.  Goldfish as forage of catfish broodstock.  FAO Aquaculture Bulletin 5(3/4):5-6.

McCraren, J. P.  1973.  Iodophor controls microorganisms on catfish eggs.  Fish Health News 2(4):1.

McCraren, J. P.  1973.  Tumor-like growths in channel catfish.  FAO Aquaculture Bulletin 5(3/4):16.

McCraren, J. P. and R. M. Jones.  1973.  Evaluation of a new spawning mat material.  Progressive Fish-Culturist 35(2):81.

Millard, J. L., and J. P. McCraren.  1973.  Use of softened water in fish culture.  Progressive Fish-Culturist 5(4):190.


McCraren, J. P.  1972.  Channel catfish virus disease (CCV)--A current review.  Proceedings of the Annual Conference Western Association of Game and Fish Commissioners 52:528-537.

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Last updated: December 31, 2015