Table 4.1. Count of Electric Power Industry Power Plants, by Sector, by Predominant Energy Sources within Plant, 2005 through 2015

Year Coal Petroleum Natural Gas Other Gases Nuclear Hydroelectric Conventional Other Renewables Hydroelectric Pumped Storage Other Energy Sources
Total (All Sectors)
2005 619 1,133 1,664 44 66 1,422 781 39 29
2006 616 1,148 1,659 46 66 1,421 843 39 29
2007 606 1,163 1,659 46 66 1,424 929 39 25
2008 598 1,170 1,655 43 66 1,423 1,076 39 29
2009 593 1,168 1,652 43 66 1,427 1,219 39 28
2010 580 1,169 1,657 48 66 1,432 1,355 39 32
2011 589 1,146 1,646 41 66 1,434 1,582 40 54
2012 557 1,129 1,714 44 66 1,426 1,956 41 64
2013 518 1,101 1,725 44 63 1,435 2,299 41 78
2014 491 1,082 1,749 43 62 1,441 2,674 41 94
2015 427 1,082 1,779 45 62 1,440 3,043 41 83
Electric Utilities
2005 353 813 743 1 37 906 71 34 1
2006 353 832 758 1 37 905 84 34 1
2007 351 851 767 1 37 904 93 34 1
2008 348 866 774 -- 37 902 107 34 1
2009 340 855 768 -- 34 887 129 34 1
2010 333 855 775 3 34 888 155 34 --
2011 332 829 777 -- 34 884 189 35 1
2012 315 815 797 -- 34 875 238 36 5
2013 300 795 787 1 32 873 253 36 15
2014 286 780 803 1 32 889 272 35 20
2015 256 782 816 1 32 890 318 35 15
Independent Power Producers, Non-Combined Heat and Power Plants
2005 101 170 357 2 29 456 502 5 2
2006 101 166 356 2 29 458 552 5 2
2007 101 166 364 1 29 462 625 5 1
2008 99 166 365 -- 29 464 751 5 2
2009 100 173 377 1 32 485 868 5 2
2010 102 175 380 1 32 488 966 5 6
2011 98 166 373 -- 32 490 1,106 5 12
2012 88 150 368 -- 32 494 1,388 5 16
2013 86 147 384 1 31 505 1,670 5 15
2014 87 148 395 1 30 499 2,006 5 18
2015 80 143 397 -- 30 497 2,309 5 21
Independent Power Producers, Combined Heat and Power Plants
2005 48 14 177 3 -- -- 33 -- --
2006 50 15 173 4 -- -- 32 -- --
2007 48 12 170 4 -- -- 32 -- --
2008 47 12 169 3 -- -- 36 -- --
2009 51 10 166 3 -- -- 41 -- --
2010 48 10 161 2 -- -- 41 -- --
2011 45 11 156 1 -- -- 38 -- 1
2012 42 12 157 2 -- -- 47 -- --
2013 35 11 152 2 -- 1 51 -- 5
2014 30 9 145 2 -- -- 54 -- 7
2015 27 8 143 3 -- -- 58 -- 3
Commercial Sector
2005 20 64 113 1 -- 9 48 -- --
2006 22 62 109 1 -- 9 47 -- --
2007 20 64 106 1 -- 9 47 -- 1
2008 20 62 106 1 -- 9 49 -- 1
2009 18 68 107 1 -- 9 47 -- 1
2010 17 69 110 1 -- 9 57 -- 1
2011 22 80 118 -- -- 10 105 -- 2
2012 22 89 153 -- -- 9 129 -- 2
2013 19 92 164 -- -- 9 160 -- 3
2014 17 93 169 -- -- 10 178 1 6
2015 12 94 176 -- -- 10 186 1 3
Industrial Sector
2005 97 72 274 37 -- 51 127 -- 26
2006 90 73 263 38 -- 49 128 -- 26
2007 86 70 252 39 -- 49 132 -- 22
2008 84 64 241 39 -- 48 133 -- 25
2009 84 62 234 38 -- 46 134 -- 24
2010 80 60 231 41 -- 47 136 -- 25
2011 92 60 222 40 -- 50 144 -- 38
2012 90 63 239 42 -- 48 154 -- 41
2013 78 56 238 40 -- 47 165 -- 40
2014 71 52 237 39 -- 43 164 -- 43
2015 52 55 247 41 -- 43 172 -- 41

Notes: The number of power plants for each energy source is the number of sites for which the respective energy source was reported as the most predominant energy source for at least one of its generators. If all generators for a site have the same energy source reported as the most predominant, that site will be counted once under that energy source. However, if the most predominant energy source is not the same for all generators within a site, the site is counted more than once, based on the number of most predominant energy sources for generators at a site. In general, this table translates the number of generators by energy source into the number of sites represented by the generators for an energy source. Therefore, the count for Total (All Sectors) above is the sum of the counts for each sector by energy source and does not necessarily represent unique sites. In addition, changes to predominant energy sources and status codes from year to year may result in changes to previously-posted data.
Capacity by energy source is based on the capacity associated with the energy source reported as the most predominant (primary) one, where more than one energy source is associated with a generator.
In 2011, EIA corrected the NAICS codes of several plants which resulted in a net capacity shift from the electric utility sector to the commercial sector.
Source: U.S. Energy Information Administration, Form EIA-860, 'Annual Electric Generator Report.'