One Democrat derided the measure as “a government-controlled propaganda campaign to convince the American public that genetically modified foods are safe.”

The number of low-wage seasonal foreign workers could double under new budget.

The first daughter's new self-help guide for working women drew mixed reactions from some of the role models featured in the book.

A news release acknowledged that the economy has been expanding at a slower pace of late, though it said that the U.S. job market and other indicators of the economy's health continue to be strong.

Not long ago, the state exchange had 4 insurers and appeared robust. Then, a domino effect began.

The world of work is quickly changing.

The team Trump is counting on to realize his tax ambitions is down a few key players.

Republicans have settled on a bold, new strategy for not replacing Obamacare.

The assumption that African Americans are somehow “soft” on crime is sharply at odds with scholarship suggesting that African Americans have long supported tougher penalties for crime.

Democrats objected to Jay Clayton's close ties to big banks, including Goldman Sachs, but Republicans said his experience would be an advantage in leading the agency.

We crunched the numbers.

When he told an elite audience to thank him for their bank stocks going up, Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin sabotaged his own credibility.

  • Lawrence H. Summers
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  • 1 day ago
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Infosys, an outsourcing giant, says it hire thousands of U.S. workers, starting in Indiana

High tech financial firms are growing, but don't expect them to do to traditional banks what Netflix did to Blockbuster.

  • Lawrence H. Summers
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  • 1 day ago
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Despite campaign promises touting a “new deal for black America,” recent progress made towards racial equality is increasingly under threat.

Administration slows implementation of rules on sodium, whole grains and sweetened milks

New research reveals some of the more unfortunate side effects of China's massive wealth increase.

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