BBC News Business

1 April 2011 Last updated at 22:23 ET

US jobless rate hits two-year lowA banner reading "Jobs" hangs on the facade of the US Chamber of Commerce in Washington on February 22, 2011

The US unemployment rate fell to a new two-year low in March of 8.8%, from 8.9% in February, official figures show.

Specialist on the NYSE trading floorNasdaq makes rival bid for NYSE

US exchanges Nasdaq and ICE mounted a $11.3bn bid for NYSE Euronext, in competition with a bid from Deutsche Boerse.

Bank of Ireland shares jump 41%

Bank of Ireland shares jump as investors hope it will remain independent following stress tests, but Irish Life and Permanent plunges 54%.

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Last Updated at 00:00 ET

Market index Current value Trend Variation % variation
Dow Jones 12376.72 Up 56.99 0.46%
Nasdaq 2789.60 Up 8.53 0.31%
S&P 500 1332.41 Up 6.58 0.50%
FTSE 100 6009.92 Up 101.16 1.71%
Dax 7179.81 Up 138.50 1.97%
BBC Global 30 5763.29 Up 31.52 0.35%

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