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Your search returned 27 records on 3 pages.
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1 - 10 of 27 records
Determining the Cause of Endocrine Disruption in the Tributaries of the Shenandoah River
Primary Contact: Tony Pait To be completed: September, 2013
Impacts of Hypoxia on Fish and Fisheries in the Northern Gulf of Mexico
Primary Contact: David Kidwell To be completed: December, 2013
Hypoxia in Green Bay, Wisconsin: Biogeochemical Dynamics, Watershed Inputs, and Climate Change
Primary Contact: Felix Martinez To be completed: July, 2014
Impacts Assessments and Management Strategies for Invasive Lionfish in the Atlantic
Primary Contact: James Morris Status: Ongoing
Bacterial and Pharmaceutical Pollution from Agricultural Lands in the Chesapeake Bay
Primary Contact: AK Leight Completed: December, 2012
Invasion of Asian Tiger Shrimp along the US Southeastern Coast and Gulf of Mexico
Primary Contact: James Morris Status: Ongoing
Shallow Water Hypoxia: Tipping the Balance for Individual Animals, Populations, and Ecosystems
Primary Contact: David Kidwell To be completed: December, 2015
An Assessment of Chemical Contaminants in Sediment and Corals in Southwest Puerto Rico
Primary Contact: Tony Pait Completed: November, 2009
Environmental Models for Marine Aquaculture and Spatial Planning
Primary Contact: James Morris To be completed: May, 2013
Epidemiological Modeling and Outbreak Investigations for Marine Wildlife
Primary Contact: Leslie Burdett Hart Completed: December, 2011