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From NOAA Environmental Data Management Wiki

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Welcome to the NOAA Environmental Data Management Wiki!

This wiki contains guidelines, best practices and information on policies, standards and tools being considered, used or developed across NOAA and in the broader environmental data management community. It is intended to help you find resources and connect to others in order to improve the access, interoperability, and usability of environmental information.

The wiki uses “Categories” to help organize and manage content (see Wikipedia Categories Page for information about using categories). The Categories link in the navigation menu on the left links to the Categories List from any page in the wiki. See using the NOAA Environmental Data Management Wiki page for additional tips on using the wiki.

Please contact Jeff de La Beaujardière if you have questions, suggestions, or contributions for this wiki. (See also the List of recent contributors.)

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Latest News

  • A free metadata training opportunity is now available.
  • People and groups that are improving NOAA documentation are being recognized on the wiki.
  • A Data Management Plan repository has been established to share data management plans produced or contributed in response to the new procedural directive on data management planning.
  • NOAA's National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) has been developing a set of netCDF Templates for a variety of Common Data Model data types. Chris Paver from NCEI recently added these templates to the NCEI NetCDF Templates Category of the wiki!
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