Seventh International Precipitation Working Group (IPWG) Workshop

Theme Description:
The World Meteorological Organizational Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites (CGMS) formed the International Precipitation Working Group (IPWG) in 2001, in order to foster the international collaboration and advancement in precipitation retrieval from satellites. Details on the IPWG can be found at This special collection of papers is based on presentations made at the Seventh IPWG Workshop, which was held in Tsukuba, Japan, 17-21 November 2014. The IPWG held this workshop in honor of Dr. Arthur Yuhan Hou, who played leading roles in the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) and Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM), joint satellite precipitation missions between the United States National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and the Japan Aerospace and Exploration Agency (JAXA). This special collection provides a current status of precipitation estimation using satellites, including the precipitation retrieval algorithms, application of the data products on both regional and global scales, and the validation of estimates at various temporal and spatial scales. As co-organizers of the seventh IPWG workshop, we invite you to read these papers in this special collection of Journal of Hydrometeorology and hope that they stimulate further research and application in precipitation estimation from satellites.

Collection Organizer:
Riko Oki, Earth Observation Research Center, JAXA
Seventh IPWG workshop host

Special Collection Coordinators:
Kazumasa Aonashi, Meteorological Research Institute, Japan Meteorological Agency
Nai-Yu Wang, University of Maryland
Special Collection Coordinators

Abstracts for all AMS articles are available to everyone, as is the full text of Bulletin articles. Access to full-text HTML and PDF articles in the technical journals is limited to paid subscribers.

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Journal of Hydrometeorology
February 2017, Vol. 18, No. 2
Published online on 12 Jan 2017.
Abstract | Full Text | PDF 
special iconNo Access

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Journal of Hydrometeorology
October 2016, Vol. 17, No. 10
Published online on 6 Oct 2016.
Abstract | Full Text | PDF 
special iconFree Access

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Journal of Hydrometeorology
July 2016, Vol. 17, No. 7
Published online on 22 Jul 2016.
Abstract | Full Text | PDF 
special iconNo Access

, , , , ,
Journal of Hydrometeorology
July 2016, Vol. 17, No. 7
Published online on 22 Jul 2016.
Abstract | Full Text | PDF 
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Journal of Hydrometeorology
May 2016, Vol. 17, No. 5
Published online on 28 Apr 2016.
Abstract | Full Text | PDF 
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, , , , , ,
Journal of Hydrometeorology
May 2016, Vol. 17, No. 5
Published online on 28 Apr 2016.
Abstract | Full Text | PDF | Supplemental Material 
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, , , , ,
Journal of Hydrometeorology
April 2016, Vol. 17, No. 4
Published online on 11 Apr 2016.
Abstract | Full Text | PDF 
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Journal of Hydrometeorology
March 2016, Vol. 17, No. 3
Published online on 2 Mar 2016.
Abstract | Full Text | PDF 
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, , , , ,
Journal of Hydrometeorology
January 2016, Vol. 17, No. 1
Published online on 29 Dec 2015.
Abstract | Full Text | PDF 
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, , , ,
Journal of Hydrometeorology
January 2016, Vol. 17, No. 1
Published online on 29 Dec 2015.
Abstract | Full Text | PDF 
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Journal of Hydrometeorology
December 2015, Vol. 16, No. 6
Published online on 17 Nov 2015.
Abstract | Full Text | PDF 
special iconFree Access