Thank you for visiting our online shop.

We appreciate your commitment to purchasing environmentally friendly products to help preserve the Earth.

As of December 30, Earth 911 is no longer operating our online store.

We were very pleased to join you in working together to find and promote products and brands that were created in a sustainable and environmentally conscious spirit. However we also found that after careful consideration the Earth 911 team is better suited to serving the green community through our traditional strength of content publishing, green news, and guides for more natural living.

We are incredibly proud of the relationships we’ve made with dozens of wonderful brands creating green products in a wide range of industries.

We will continue to feature these brands and products on our website and encourage our community to shop for these products at any of the other quality online retailers carrying them. We thank you again for shopping with us, and look forward to a green and gorgeous 2016.

If you have concerns about any current or past purchases on the Earth 911 shop, we will be happy to assist you.

Please click here to contact us