Data & Evaluations

Data and Statistics

ACL provides data and statistics on older adults as well as persons with physical and intellectual and developmental disabilities. An estimated five million Americans have an intellectual or developmental disability. Over 75% of those receiving services live with their families, the family being the primary support system. The older adult population represents 14.1% of the U.S. population, about one in every seven Americans. By 2040, there will be about 82.3 million older persons, over twice their number in 2000 (Source: A Profile of Older Americans: 2014; see topics below for link to report).

Available on ACL’s AGing Integrated Database (AGID): 2008–2012 ACS Special Tabulation on Aging

The 5-year 2008–2012 American Community Survey (ACS) Special Census Tabulation is available in AGID. ACS data in AGID’s Data Files section can be accessed under “Special Census Tabulations.” In addition to many standard tables, this update includes expanded disability and health insurance tables such as:

  • Data for the following age groups—under 18, 18–34, 35–59, 60–64, 65–74, 75–84, and 60+, 65+, 75+, and 85+
  • Five-year estimates of disability and health insurance data for counties and Planning and Service Areas (PSAs) in addition to state estimates
  • Combinations of disabilities such as people by age group and gender with:
    • 1 disability, 2 disabilities, or 3+ disabilities
    • Both hearing and vision difficulties
    • Both self-care and independent living disabilities
  • Combinations of disability and health insurance (e.g., people who report having a disability and have Medicare and Medicaid health insurance by age group)

Visit AGID at to learn more about these new data tables.

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Program Results and Evaluation

ACL has developed a strong focus on measurement of program results, including: implementing and strengthening program information reporting from the states, development of targeted performance measures, and national surveys. ACL also has a comprehensive series of past, current, and planned program evaluations and related studies, and compilations of relevant population statistics. These activities are implemented by the ACL Office of Performance and Evaluation and program-specific offices.

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Profile of Developmental Disabilities Services in the States

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Last Modified: 11/29/2016