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Union of Concerned Scientists
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2016 may have been the year of "post-truth", but that hasn't stopped people from pushing back against lies and standing up for facts:
Any observer of truth will tell you that 2016 is a lie-soaked lost cause. Will 2017 see a pro-truth resistance? We'd better see to it. We, the people, can be forgiven for some angst over the free-falling role of truth in our democracy. We all took civics in school. We know democracy depends on ...
Johnathan Chung's profile photo
As another article pointed out, I think we're more in a "post-trust" society rather than simply a "post-truth" one. Accurate information is abundant, but many people don't know who to believe or how to discern the real stuff from an avalanche of disinformation. Unfortunately, a disingenuous and adversarial political environment breeds suspicion at every turn too.

And then of course there are the very angry, very loud, and very powerful special interest groups. Those political/legal battles are incredibly onerous and exhausting to combat—perhaps even dangerous to get tied up in—so I can understand how people have mentally and financially tapped out on that fight.

Still, I think there are many more knowledgeable, helpful, and hopeful people around the world than not. Progress is hard, but we've always managed to push our way forward, even through decades and centuries of unscrupulous "leaders" advocating regressive and/or harmful policies.

If nothing else, reality will eventually hit 'em in the face...
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While a delicious apple dessert sizzles on the stovetop, Mark Bittman and Ricardo Salvador talk about the damage industrial agriculture does to our soil, water, and climate: 
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"This single step will have a major impact: it will reduce oil use by 2 billion barrels and eliminate 1.1 billion tonnes of global warming emissions over the life of these vehicles."
An 18-wheeler barrels down the highway, bringing pallets of packaged food from a warehouse to a suburban grocery store. A contractor's flatbed carries lumber and pipes to the site of a new building. A garbage truck weaves its way down an alley to pick up trash behind an apartment building.
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"We must all speak up against institutionalized and individual racism when we see it. These practices erode civil discourse, breed mistrust, and make democracy more difficult."
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Every decade a forested area the size of Montana is cut down for beef, soy, palm oil, and wood products. Share to help end the destruction: 
Just four commodities—beef, soy, palm oil, and wood products—drive the majority of global deforestation. And consumers can help stop it.
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LAST CHANCE! Help our #PlateoftheUnion  video make it to first place: 
Celebrate nonprofits, do-gooders and YouTube Creators who are changing the world!
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"We will find ways to make progress on the issues that matter and, as always, we will rely heavily on the vital support of our more than 500,000 members and supporters to work for a healthier planet and a safer world."
After one of the most contentious US elections in memory, the results are in. By their votes, Americans expressed deep disgust with politics as usual and issued an urgent call for our leaders to focus on those who have been battered by an economy that does not include them.
Gopala Krishna Kollu's profile photoCarrie Cobb's profile photo
help if you can please
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Our broken food system affects us all. Tell the next president to fix it by signing the Plate of the Union petition: 
The food system is out of balance, favoring corporate profits over the health of people and the environment. Tell the next president to announce their plan to fix our food system!
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Watch our new series on the complexities and inequities within our food system! Videos featuring Ricardo Salvador, Natalia Mendez, and Mark Bittman are up now. Stay tuned for more in the coming months: 
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Why gun violence research is necessary, from the senators who fought to bring it back:
Yesterday, something remarkable happened in the United States Senate. Senator Chris Murphy (CT) led a filibuster on gun violence for nearly 15 hours. His goal? Get a vote on two gun safety measures. And in the process, he helped shine a light on an incredibly misguided ban on federal gun ...
Johnathan Chung's profile photo
"Climate change threatens hunting, fishing, other traditional and cultural practices. Some sacred sites are also at risk for the more than 70 Traditional Owner groups for whom natural resources are inseparable from cultural identity."
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UCS president shares new analysis on clean energy in the Bay State and explains why it matters to you, even if you don't live here: 
Massachusetts now stands at a crossroads in planning for its energy future, and the state's choices will have ramifications far beyond its borders. The question now before state officials: with the closure of many coal plants in the state and region, and the scheduled retirement of the Pilgrim ...
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