Program for Resident Scholars

The Research and Statistics Group's Program for Resident Scholars brings to the Bank, for at least six months, outstanding researchers with an international reputation.

About the Program
resident scholar pictureResident scholars are selected from the top academic and policy institutions in fields related to the Bank’s broad policy interests. The scholars pursue their own research while providing intellectual leadership by advising and collaborating with our staff of sixty-seven economists. They present their own work at Research Group seminars and attend presentations by others.

The resident scholars also work closely with the director of research, and have the opportunity to contribute to the Bank's main policymaking discussions on topics such as monetary policy and macroeconomics, international economics, banking supervision and regulation, capital markets, financial stability, and applied microeconomics with an emphasis on regional and national issues.

The program complements our Visiting Scholars Program, in which economists from major research institutions present their own work and make themselves available to discuss our staff's current research.
Current Resident Scholars
For the 2016-17 academic year, the Research and Statistics Group is pleased to have in residence Professor Kenneth D. West of the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

Kenneth West is the John D. MacArthur and Ragnar Frisch Professor of Economics at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Professor West has published widely in the fields of macroeconomics, finance, international economics, and econometrics. He has held visiting positions at the European Central Bank, the Reserve Bank of Australia, the Bank of Brazil, the Einaudi Institute for Economics and Finance, the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, and the Federal Reserve Banks of Atlanta, St. Louis, and Kansas City. Professor West has been a co-editor of the Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking since 2001 and previously served as co-editor of the American Economic Review. He is a Fellow of the Econometric Society and has been the recipient of the Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellowship, the John M. Stauffer National Fellowship in Public Policy at the Hoover Institution, and the Social Science Research Council’s Abe Fellowship for international multidisciplinary research. Prior to joining the University of Wisconsin-Madison, Professor West taught at Princeton.

Kenneth D. West 01/17 - 06/17

Previous Resident Scholars
S. “Vish” Viswanathan 11/15 - 07/16 
F. M. Kirby Professor of Investment Banking, Fuqua School of Business, Duke University
Peter Diamond 02/16 - 05/16
Institute Professor Emeritus at MIT
Robert Townsend 09/14 - 05/15
Elizabeth and James Killian Professor of Economics, MIT, and Research Professor, University of Chicago
Peter Diamond 01/14 - 05/14
Institute Professor Emeritus at MIT
Simon Gilchrist 01/14 - 05/14
Professor of economics at Boston University and research associate at the National Bureau of Economic Research
Christopher Sims 01/12 - 12/13
Co-recipient of the 2011 Nobel Prize in Economics and John F. Sherrerd ’52 University Professor of Economics at Princeton University
Mark J. Flannery, 01/09 - 12/10
Bank of America Eminent Scholar in Finance at the University of Florida
Douglas Gale, 01/09 - 12/10
Silver Professor and Professor of Economics at New York University
Eric Ghysels, 12/08 - 08/09
Professor of Economics at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
John Leahy, 01/08-12/08
Professor of Economics at New York University
Mark Gertler, 07/06-12/07
Henry and Lucy Moses Professor of Economics at New York University and Chair of the Economics Department
Suresh M. Sundaresan, 01/06-07/06
Chase Manhattan Bank Foundation Professor of Financial Institutions at Columbia Business School
Nobuhiro Kiyotaki, 08/05-07/06 
Cassel Professor of Economics at the London School of Economics
Jiang Wang, 09/04-04/05
Nanyang Technological University Professor of Finance at the MIT Sloan School of Management
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