Chesapeake Bay Internships

The best job candidates recognize that hands-on work experience is the best way to build a resume, and that internships offer an opportunity to explore potential career fields. The NOAA Chesapeake Bay Office wants to connect students who are eager to explore a career in marine biology, oceanography, environmental education, and other related fields with professionals in these studies.

Bay-related internships include opportunities with NOAA as well as with other agencies and organizations, and are grouped roughly by area of interest. While most internships are offered during the summer months, some internships may be available at other times of the year. In addition to opportunities with the NOAA Chespeake Bay Office, NOAA offers additional internship and scholarship opportunities at other locations around the country.

Summer Internships

Each summer, NCBO, in partnership with the Chesapeake Research Consortium, offers several paid summer internships primarily geared toward current undergraduate students. The deadline for applying for 2017 summer internships is February 20, 2017,

Undergraduate intern positions--based in Annapolis, Maryland--for summer 2017 are listed below:

Also in summer 2017, NCBO will partner with NOAA's Mid-Atlantic River Forecast Center to offer an internship suitable for undergraduate or graduate students. The position will be based in State College, Pennsylvania:
