Oyster Restoration in the Elizabeth River

In April 2012, the Elizabeth River was selected for restoration efforts for several reasons. Most importantly, it is closed to market oyster production due to pollution; therefore, oysters are not harvested. It also has seen some recent restoration activity, with 11 reefs built and placed on the bottom between 1998 and 2009. Nonprofit organizations including the Chesapeake Bay Foundation and Elizabeth River Project are working to decrease pollution from Norfolk and Portsmouth, the second- and tenth-most populated cities in Virginia. Now that the tributary has been selected, data on restorable bottom and existing oyster reefs will be collected and a blueprint for oyster restoration will be drafted.

How Close Are Oysters in the Elizabeth River to Being "Restored"?


Progress Report: TBD after tributary analysis

References and More Information:

  • VIMS Virginia Oyster Reef Restoration Map Atlas—April 2009