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Latest news: International Council for Science

ICSU publishes independent mid-term review of Integrated Research on Disaster Risk (IRDR) programme
ICSU publishes independent mid-term review of Integrated Research on Disaster Risk (IRDR) programme
Jan 19, 2017 ICSU has published the 2016 Review of the Integrated Research on Disaster Risk (IRDR) programme, led by an independent panel whose conclusions are intended to inform the next 3-4 year phase of the program.
New commentary published: Climate research must sharpen its view Jan 17, 2017
A new commentary in Nature Climate Change calls on the climate research community to sharpen its focus on the fundamental questions that will need to be answered for societies to successfully respond to the challenges posed by anthropogenic climate change. The commentary is the result of a workshop organized by the World Climate Research Programme (WCRP), followed by a side event co-organized by the International Council for Science (ICSU) at COP22 in November 2016.
Members of Strategy Working Group and Transition Task Force appointed to develop frameworks for possible ICSU-ISSC merger Jan 10, 2017
The International Council for Science (ICSU) and International Social Science Council (ISSC) announced today the full list of members of the Strategy Working Group (SWG) and Transition Task Force (TTF) that will develop modalities for a possible merger of the two councils.
African Open Science Platform to boost the impact of open data for science and society Dec 12, 2016
An initiative to establish an African Open Science Platform to promote the value and exploit the potential of Open Data for science was announced by the Minister of Science and Technology, Mrs. Naledi Pandor, at the Science Forum South Africa 2016 (SFSA) last week.
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