Atlantic Menhaden

Life History

Atlantic menhaden (Brevoortia tyrannus) occupy estuaries and coastal waters from northern Florida to Nova Scotia and are believed to consist of a single population. Adult and juvenile menhaden form large, near-surface schools, primarily in estuaries and nearshore ocean waters from early spring through early winter. By summer, menhaden schools stratify by size and age along the coast, with older and larger menhaden found farther north. During fall-early winter, menhaden of all sizes and ages migrate south around the North Carolina capes to spawn.

Sexual maturity begins as early as age one to just before age three, with major spawning areas from the Carolinas to New Jersey. The majority of spawning occurs primarily offshore (20-30 miles) during winter. Buoyant eggs hatch at sea, and larvae are carried into estuarine nursery areas by ocean currents. Juveniles spend most of their first year in estuaries, migrating to the ocean in late fall.

Menhaden are very efficient filter feeders. Water is pushed through specialized gill rakers that are formed into a basket that allows them to capture plankton. Menhaden are an important component of the food chain, providing a link between primary production and higher organisms by consuming plankton and providing forage for species such as striped bass, bluefish, and weakfish, to name just a few.

Commercial & Recreational Fisheries

School of menhaden

Schooling Atlantic menhaden. Photo ©ASMFC.

The Atlantic menhaden commercial fishery consists of a reduction fishery and a bait fishery. The reduction fishery, named because it processes the whole fish into fish meal, fish oil, and fish solubles, first began in New England during the early 1800s and spread south after the Civil War. The reduction fishery grew with the advent of purse seine after the Civil War in the mid-1800s. Purse seine landings reached a high point in the 1950s with peak landings of 712,100 metric tons (mt) in 1956 (Figure 1). At that time, over 20 menhaden reduction factories ranged from northern Florida to southern Maine. In the 1960s, the Atlantic menhaden stock contracted geographically, and many of the fish factories north of the Chesapeake Bay closed because of a scarcity of fish. Reduction landings dropped to a low of 161,000 mt in 1969. In the 1970s and 1980s, the menhaden population began to expand (primarily due to a series of above average year classes entering the fishery), and reduction landings rose to around 300,000-400,000 mt. Adult menhaden were again abundant in the northern half of their range and, as a result, reduction factories in New England and Canada began processing menhaden again by the mid-1970s. However, by 1989 all shore-side reduction plants in New England had closed, mainly because of odor abatement regulations.

During the 1990s, the Atlantic menhaden stock contracted again (as in the 1960s), largely due to a series of poor to average year classes. Over the next decade, several reduction plants consolidated or closed, resulting in a significant reduction in fleet size and fishing capacity. By 2005, there was only one remaining reduction plant in operation on the Atlantic coast processing menhaden into fishmeal and oil, which is located in Virginia and still operational today. The 2013 harvest of Atlantic menhaden for reduction was 131,034 mt, an 18% decrease from harvest in 2012 (160,627 mt) and 24% below average landings from 2010-2012 (172,600 mt). Seven purse-seine vessels landed Atlantic menhaden during the 2013 season. Most of the catch occurred in the waters off of Virginia and New Jersey.

The coastwide bait fishery supplies fishermen with bait for popular commercial (e.g., American lobster and blue crab) and sport fish (e.g., striped bass and bluefish), and has grown throughout its history along with the expansion of many fisheries that utilize menhaden as bait. Landings for bait have recently dipped due to the aforementioned reduction; levels for 2013 were 35,043 mt, 34% below the average landings during 2010-2012 (52,900 mt). However, in 2012, bait landings peaked at an all-time high of 63,540 mt. The bait fishery has increased in relative importance from North Carolina to New England. This is evident in the increasing percent of total menhaden landings that are attributed to the bait fishery. Between 2001 and 2012, the percent of total landings that were used for bait rose from 13% to a high of 28% in 2012. In 2013, bait harvest composed approximately 22% of the total menhaden harvest.  In recent years, the majority of bait landings have been harvested from Virginia and New Jersey waters, followed by Massachusetts and Maryland.

Stock Status

Atlantic Menhaden

Based on the revised reference points recommended by the benhcmark stock assessment and approved by the Peer Review Panel, Atlantic menhaden are neither overfished nor experiencing overfishing. The revised reference points are based on historical performance of the population during the time frame 1960-2012, a period during which the Technical Committee considers the population to have been sustainably fished. Fishing mortality rates have remained below the revised overfishing threshold (1.26) since the 1960s, and have hovered around the revised overfishing target (0.38) through the 1990s. In 2003, fishing mortality dropped below the revised target and was estimated to be 0.22 in 2013 (the latest year in the assessment). In other words, fishing mortality has been decreasing throughout the history of the fishery, and is now 42% below the target.

The biological reference point used to determine the fecundity target is defined as the mature egg production one would expect when the population is being fished at the revised threshold fishing mortality rate. Population fecundity, a measure of reproductive capacity, was estimated to be well above the threshold in recent years. In 2013, fecundity is estimated to be 170 trillion eggs which is 10% below the revised target value (189 trillion eggs).

Atlantic Coastal Management

Atlantic Menhaden

Atlantic menhaden are currently managed under Amendment 2, approved in 2012. Amendment 2 established a 170,800 mt total allowable catch (TAC) that began in 2013. The established TAC represents a 20% reduction from the average landings of 2009-2011 and an approximate 25% reduction from 2011 landings, which accounts for the recent decline seen in commercial landings. The TAC was established by Amendment 2 in response to the 2011 benchmark stock assessment , which reported that menhaden were not overfished but were experiencing overfishing.

The Amendment allocates the TAC on a state-by-state basis based on landings history of the fishery from 2009-2011. States are required to close their fisheries when the state-specific portion of the TAC has been reached; any overages must be paid back the following year. Under the Amendment, 1% of the overall TAC is set aside for episodic events. If the episodic event set aside quota is unused as of October 31, it is redistributed to all the states on November 1 based on the Amendment 2 allocation percentages. Amendment 2 also adopted new biological reference points for biomass which are based on maximum spawning potential, with the goal of increasing abundance, spawning stock biomass, and menhaden availability as a forage species.

In October 2016, the Atlantic Menhaden Management Board approved a total allowable catch (TAC) for the 2017 fishing season of 200,000 mt, a 6.45% increase from the 2016 TAC. According to Technical Committee analysis this increase has a zero percent probability of resulting in overfishing. The TAC will be made available to the states/jurisdictions based on the state-by-state allocation established by Amendment 2.  The Board also approved for public comment the Public Information Document (PID) for Draft Amendment 3 to the Interstate FMP for Atlantic Menhaden. The PID presents a suite of tools to manage the menhaden resource using ecological reference points as well as options to allocate the resource among the states, regions, and user groups. As the first step in the Commission’s amendment process, the PID seeks input from stakeholders about changes cobserved in the fishery and resource as well as potential management measures. The Board will review public comment and provide direction to staff on the issues to be included in the Draft Amendment in February 2017.  


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